Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) Counselling

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) Counselling

December 15 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1988 Views

Acute stress disorder does occur more commonly in women than men and the theory behind this is twofold on the types of trauma that women are exposed to, as well as the exposure of the trauma occurs so women are likely to experience things like repetitive trauma such as rape abuse, violence at the workplace, domestic violence, etc. Whereas men are more likely to experience a one-time trauma related to combat fighting, emotional abuse, or rejection by partner(s). In the case of women, because of the nature of their traumas repetitive persistence ideational, and real victimization often start experiencing the trauma earlier in childhood or early adolescence, whereas men typically experience their traumas after the age of 18. And brain development after the age of 18 versus in childhood, and early adolescence is expected to be part of why women experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) more than men. Individuals can develop PTSD or acute stress disorder by either experiencing a traumatic event, observing a traumatic event or hearing about a traumatic event, happening to someone else with post-traumatic stress disorder. 


Acute stress disorder is very similar and has the same symptoms. However post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms often start a little bit delayed, after experiencing the trauma and have a much longer duration. Acute stress disorder is experiencing symptoms immediately after the trauma. The symptoms would resolve within one month.


Post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder are often co-morbid with symptoms of depression and substance abuse. And the risk for developing either of these disorders is the type of trauma experienced the duration of trauma lacking coping or resilience skills having repeated exposure to trauma and lack of support. 


Symptoms of acute stress disorder

  • Palpitations, i.e. a pounding heart.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain.
  • Headache.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Nausea.
  • Sweating. 

The diagnostic criteria for acute stress disorder include having intrusive symptoms such as:

  • Distressing memories 
  • Distressing dreams 
  • Dissociations and psychological distress
  • They can also experience avoidant, behavior such as avoiding areas or situations that may trigger symptoms and intrusive symptoms and they may also avoid people associated with the trauma. The cognitive and mood disturbances would include dissociative amnesia. 
  • The negative evaluation of self and others self-blame 
  • Negative emotional state
  • Social isolation or social detachment
  • Palpitations, i.e. a pounding heart.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain.
  • Headache.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Nausea.
  • Sweating.
  • Inability to experience positive emotions 
  • Lastly, they also have to have alterations in arousal, which could include irritability anger, outburst, reckless and destructive behaviors that often include suicidal behaviors
  • Poor concentration and poor sleep  

How can Acute Stress Disorder Develop?

ASD (acute stress disorder) may result from having gone through, witnessed, or been exposed to one or more traumatic situations. Extreme terror, horror, or helplessness is brought on by the experiences. Among the various critical traumatic incidents that can trigger ASD are:

Suicide threat to oneself or others

Posing a high risk of harm to oneself or others


Prevention of ASD

As all are aware it is not always possible to avoid experiencing traumatic events in life. However, there is a number of ways to reduce the risk of developing ASD afterward. The prevention step may include, consulting the best Online Psychiatrist or mental health professional following a traumatic event:

  • Seek  & solicit support from family, relatives, and friends
  • Get treatment by an expert mental health professional for other mental health disorders
  • Working with the Best Clinical Psychologist in India and behavioral coach for  developing effective coping mechanisms
  • Provide Behavioral Training if a person’s job involves a high risk of exposure to traumatic events like Police, Vigilance, Drivers of Hazardous and high-risk jobs

Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder

There are a number of treatments or therapies for overcoming acute stress and these are 


1. Self-care

During and after a crisis or trauma, self-care is important. There are three parts to self-care:

  • Individual security
  • Health Physical Mindfulness
  • Personal security is essential. 

When someone knows they and their loved ones are secure after a single horrific event, they are better able to digest the event. However, it may be challenging to achieve perfect safety in the course of chronic crises like domestic violence, war, or an infectious pandemic. People should seek the advice of specialists on how they and their loved ones can be as safe as possible during such ongoing problems.


Traumatic experiences can put your physical health at risk both during and after them. Everyone should make an effort to keep a regular eating, sleeping, and exercise regimen. Alcohol and other sedative and stimulating drugs should be taken with caution, if at all.

A mindful approach to self-care tries to lessen the typical negative emotions that traumatized people experiences, such as tension, boredom, anger, grief, and isolation. If the situation permits, at-risk people should establish and adhere to a daily routine, such as getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed, going outdoors and taking a walk, and preparing and eating regular meals. 

2. Behavioral and cognitive therapy (CBT) – 


Cognitive behavioral therapy is typically suggested as the initial course of treatment for acute stress disorder patients. CBT involves creating efficient coping mechanisms in collaboration with a qualified mental health expert. Consult with the best CBT therapist online at Asia’s No 1 Mental health wellbeing platform

3. Counseling or Specific Therapies 


You can explore different coping mechanisms for stress and its symptoms with the aid of counseling. Although this could be offered locally, several organizations also provide online resources and helplines that might be helpful. Online Counselling for bereavement is a specialty of several organizations. Not everyone, though, needs to go with trauma as quickly as possible following the event. Indeed, after a traumatic event or a critical crisis, measures like psychological debriefing might worsen the situation and are not advised.


Speak to your doctor or an Online Counsellor if you experience unsettling thoughts and feelings regarding a traumatic occurrence for longer than a month, if they are intense, or if you believe you are having difficulties regaining control of your life. The onset of worsening post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms can be avoided by seeking treatment as soon as feasible.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Ms. Swati Yadav


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