Building a child’s self-esteem
Building a child’s self-esteem
August 05 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1293 Views
When kids seem to like you and when they
don't might be quite easy to know from their behavioral expression. The
term "self-esteem" is often used to refer to the idea of
feeling good about oneself. A child with high self-esteem tends
to feel admired and welcomed. They Feel assured and proud of their
abilities and can also think positively of themselves, and have faith in
themselves. While Children who lack self-esteem are hard on themself and often self-critical or do self-sabotage. They feel they aren't as
good as other kids and tend to focus more on their failures than their
successes. They lack confidence and also question their abilities.
Seeking professional consultation or online counselling with the best child
psychologists, often help in fostering self-confidence among children.
Importance of
Children that have self-confidence are more
open to trying new things. They are more inclined to give everything they have.
They take pride in their skills, abilities, and values when given positive
assurance. Children that are self-assured can tolerate failure in a better manner.
Children are encouraged to try again even if they initially fail. Children who
are more confident in themselves perform better in school, with others, and in
their social lives.
Children who lack self-confidence doubt their
abilities. They might not participate in society because they might feel others will not accept them. They could allow others to abuse them.
They could find it challenging to speak for them. They may simply
quit or stop trying completely. Children with poor self-esteem find it
challenging to handle mistakes, failure, or loss. As a result, they might not
perform as well as they could.
Signs & Symptoms of poor self-esteem
individuals & kids with poor self-esteem frequently:
- Have a poor opinion of themselves; they may believe they are dumb, unattractive, or unlikeable.
- Lack of assurance.
- Find it difficult to form and maintain friendships and may perceive others as victimizing them.
- Tend to shy away from novelty and struggle with change.
- Negative Social Comparison.
- Problems Asking for What You Need.
- Worry and Self-Doubt.
- Trouble Accepting Positive Feedback.
- Negative Self-Talk.
- Fear of Failure.
Strategies for Developing self-esteem
in children
1. Shower unconditional
Your children's sense of security and
belonging, which they acquire from knowing how much you love them, has a big
impact on how they see themselves. Your unconditional consistent love lays the
cornerstone for all the positive and enduring relationships they will have
later in life. Give your kids hugs before you go, snuggle up and read a book
together, and always show them how much you care. Your children will benefit
from this foundation of love as they grow and form their own social networks,
friendships, and connections with peers.
2. Playing together
Playing with your child
communicates to them that you enjoy their company and you appreciate their
time. It is often good to have funny acts with your child; it has many
advantages for you both. Children not only gain confidence in their capacity to
create strong social bonds and be exciting and engaging individuals, but
studies have shown that when children engage in healthy play, their chances of
happiness increase, and their risk of sadness and anxiety decreases.
3. Give some
responsibilities to your child
Your child will feel successful and have a
feeling of purpose if you give them age-appropriate duties. Even if they don't
perform something right, let them know you still value their attempts.
Acknowledge all of their achievements and reassure them that with time, they
will become better at everything, even their chores.
4. Support
When a youngster is in primary school, their
independence is fast growing. Many kids often start spending time with themself
at home, walking alone to school, and helping younger siblings by the time they
are in middle school. Allowing your children to become more independent is
important for growth. For instance, let them manage planning their schoolwork,
making sure their football gear is prepared well, and approaching instructors
with any concerns on their own.
5. Avoid Insulting
Your Child.
When your child misbehaves or engages in any
other undesirable activity, be sure to keep this behavior private from them.
When your child tests your limits, you may unavoidably feel frustrated or even
furious since you are a human.
6. Let them produce
and display their works
Give your child permission to display their
works throughout the house. Every time your child completes a piece of writing,
a narrative, or a project for school, asks them to share it with you. As well
as what they find most alluring and fascinating about the creation that they
developed, ask them what they would like people to say or experience about it.
7. Watch out for their
use of technology
Most people in today's society, including
parents and students, are constantly connected to their electronics. People
may text, post on social media, conduct business, complete schooling, and
regularly check their email using their mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. At
the time of Covid, this became more important. All this connectivity has both
positive and negative aspects. It's beneficial since it allows people to work
more efficiently and maintain social connections while being safe and secure in
their own homes. But if it affects family communication and connections,
internet participation can be costly also. Excessive screen time can have an
impact on mental health as well as physical health.
8. Online Counseling
with the best Psychologist at TalktoAngel
Children particularly may modify their
behavior and how they see themself and other people by getting counseling to help them
understand their feelings. As an integrative therapists, platform online
therapists at TalktoAngel employ a number of therapeutic modalities, including cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT), Applied Behaviour Analysis or Role Playing, and Modelling to build
confidence and self-esteem.
Contribution: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist, life coach & mentor TalktoAngel & Dr. Sakshi Kochhar, Psychologist
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