Bullying: Examining the Parent-Child Relationship

Bullying: Examining the Parent-Child Relationship

December 13 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 2091 Views

Bullying is defined as saying or writing hurtful things. Bullying is a growing public health concern for many close relatives; the majority of adolescent students are verbally abused or made fun of. It's difficult to specialize in schoolwork when you're worried about how you'll deal with the bully near your locker. Bullying is usually part of a pattern of defiant or aggressive behavior. These children are likely to need professional assistance in learning to manage their anger, hurt, frustration, or other strong emotions.  They will lack the necessary skills to collaborate with others. Teen Therapy can often help them learn to cater to their emotions, stop bullying, and improve their social skills. Parents are essential facilitators in behavior change and the prevention of bullying behavior. Parents are often unaware that their child is going through some abuse because kids are often hesitant to tell their parents that they are bullied. Youth may conceal the fact that they are bullied because they are embarrassed, believe it is not serious enough, and believe that the way to inform their parents will exacerbate their problem, or they attempt to solve the problem on their own. Youths who have been victims of cyberbullying may fear that their families will influence or limit their internet or smartphone use.

Bullies are created, not born, and they begin at a young age; if normal aggression in 2-year-olds isn’t handled consistently, children fail to develop internal limitations against such behavior. Bullying may be a very durable behavioral style since bullies get what they want—at least at first.

What is Online Counselling for Bullying?

  • Bullying act impacts mental health, leading to shame, loneliness, OCD, anxiety fear, low self-esteem, and depression.
  • Bullying Victims are 5 times more depressed than their non-victimized cohort.
  • Bullying has a profound negative effect, on the victim and also on the bully.
  • Bullying often leads to physical health problems, like injuries caused by harassment may cause sleep, appetite disturbances, bed-wetting, etc.
  • Bullying affects focus and attention issues, as well as poor academic performance and workplace absenteeism.

Bullying is assessed into three types:

  • Social bullying involves causing harm to someone's reputation or relationships. Social bullying visualizes and validates various trying to go away an individual alone and informing other kids not to actually meet someone. Spreading false information about someone and publicly humiliating someone
  • Physical bullying involves causing harm to a different person's body or property. Taking or breaking someone else's property. Making insulting or impolite hand gestures.
  • Psychological or emotional bullying is the purposeful or unintentional use of words or actions to ridicule, mock, shock, tease, or isolate another person.

Who Can Assist?

If a stressful life event reception is affecting your child's behavior, seek assistance from school and community resources. Guidance by  School Counsellor or Online Counsellor, pastors, priests, therapists, and your doctor can all be of assistance. Consider having your child evaluated by a therapist or behavioral health care provider if he or she has a history of arguing, defiance, and difficulty controlling anger. Consider the success and happiness you would like your children to experience in school, work, and relationships throughout their lives. Stopping bullying now is a step toward those goals. 

Adolescent pubertal changes can cause shifts in adolescents' emotions throughout the day and therefore the intensity with which they experience, and adolescence may be a critical time for youth to learn to regulate their emotions and experiment with different regulatory strategies. Youth who are subjected to egotistic parenting, on the other hand, may experience increased negative emotions and less emotional support from their parents. High-and-might parenting may cause children to possess more negative emotions and stunted development of emotion regulation, making them less ready to cope with these emotions. Although this emotional deregulation may begin within the home, it can have a spread of effects on relationships with peers. Emotion deregulation, for instance, can cause some children to be more depressed, and to lash out at others. Children who have offensive parenting have more difficulty controlling their anger. Individuals seem to be ready to analyze their information to link parent-child documentation with affective coping the following year, also as emotional regulation reports.  The next step will be to ascertain whether disrespecting parents results in inadequate emotion-focused coping and whether younger generations with inadequate emotional processing eventually become more involved in bullying.

What can humans do now that we all know that parenting and emotional regulation can contribute to children's roles as bullies, victims, and even bully victims? 

Rather than their intentions, parents could also be accidentally harsh or inconsistent in their child's discipline. Parents can promote positive outcomes reception by being present and understanding rather than critical, which may impart beneficial lessons to foster positive social relationships by being present and understanding rather than critical. Developing youth, like adults, require validation and emotional support, so it's critical to lead by example and speak to your child with the same care you would speak to a friend. When they learn that their child is being bullied or when their child witnesses verbal abuse, many parents are unclear on how to support them as they help their child cope with bullying. It makes sense that parents' responses to bullying will differ, ranging from contacting the principal or school administration, a teacher, a counsellor, or the bully or his or her parents, to starting an advocate group. For further assistance connect with the Best Psychologist in India at TalktoAngel India’s No.1 Online Counsellling and mental health wellbeing platform.

Where do I get help for bullying counselling?

Talk to our highly competent & trained Top Psychologist in India and take bullying online counselling sessions from the comforts of your home. At TalktoAngel, our online bullying counsellors are available 24x7 to provide you counseling help. Find the best counselor at a single click on chat or phone in 18language like Hindi, English, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Garhwali, and Punjabi within India and abroad.

Treatment or Bullying Therapies 

  • Individual therapy - A child & adolescent psychologist or teen therapist will provide a safe place for a child to share his or her thoughts and feelings and help the child to overcome fear, anxiety, depression, etc. 
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy aims at providing learning through activities for making children aware of their support network and boosting self-esteem.
  • Psychotherapy- Therapy is supposed to identify, challenge, help recognize, communicate, and control your child's feelings about being bullied.
  • Group therapy- Group therapy involves counseling sessions with other children focusing on similar issues, it may also involve parents, in family therapy.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Ms. Swati Yadav, counselling psychologist


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