Different forms of amnesia and its treatment

Different forms of amnesia and its treatment

March 09 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1651 Views

A broad category of neurological disorders that damage the brain and worsen over time is referred to as dementia. It is the decline in thinking, recalling, and reasoning skills that have an impact on day-to-day tasks. Some dementia patients have emotional and behavioral out-of-control, and personality changes. Because it is more prevalent as individuals get older, dementia used to be known as "senility" and was perceived as a normal aspect of ageing. Dementia may affect up to 50% of all adults aged 85 or older. Dementia, however, is not a typical aspect of aging. Not everyone gets dementia as they age, and in very rare circumstances, some people do.


Types of dementia


The most typical form of dementia is this one. The proteins tau and amyloid assemble improperly in the brain. These proteins block communication between nerve cells in your brain. Short-term memory loss, confusion, and changes in personality and behavior are among the symptoms. Later on in the illness, problems speaking, recalling distant memories, and walking become problematic. Up to 10% of those over 65 and about 50% of those over 85 have Alzheimer's disease, which primarily affects older folks. The risk factor of family history is significant. This type affects between 60% and 80% of patients with dementia.


The second-most common type of dementia is this one. It is brought on by diseases that obstruct and harm the blood vessels in your brain, such as atherosclerosis or strokes. Memory-related issues, confusion, and difficulty in focusing and finishing tasks are symptoms. The deterioration may start abruptly (after a severe stroke) or gradually (following a series of mini-strokes). High blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels are risk factors. Vascular dementia affects 15% to 25% of patients with dementia.


Lewy bodies, which are clumps of protein, accumulate in the nerve cells of your brain as a result of this illness. Nerve cells are harmed by Lewy bodies. Movement and balance issues sleep pattern abnormalities, memory loss, difficulty organizing and solving problems, and visual hallucinations and delusions are some of the symptoms. Lewy Body dementia affects 5% to 10% of dementia cases.


Damage to the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain causes this dementia. The accumulation of aberrant proteins in these regions is what causes harm. It results in alterations in personality, social conduct, and/or a loss of language abilities (speaking, understanding, or forgetting the definitions of popular terms), as well as impairments in motor coordination. Early dementia is frequently brought on by FTD, which frequently affects persons between the ages of 45 and 64. FTD accounts for 5% to 6% of all dementias.


This is a synthesis of two or more dementia kinds. Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia are the most frequent combinations. It primarily affects people who are 80 years of age and older. One dementia type's symptoms may be more severe than another's, and/or many of each kind's symptoms overlap, complicating identification. People with mixed dementia deteriorate more quickly than individuals with only one type of dementia.



Dementia is caused by changes in particular brain regions that affect how neurons (nerve cells) communicate with one another and how they function. Researchers have linked certain types of dementia to changes in the brain and are now looking into why some people experience these changes while others do not. Rare genetic variations that cause dementia have been found in a tiny number of persons. A healthy lifestyle may help lower risk factors for dementia in general, however, we don't yet know for sure what, if anything, might prevent it.



Although essential, medications for dementia symptoms are simply one aspect of care for a person with dementia. For persons with dementia to live effectively, additional therapies, activities, and support—including for the caregiver—are crucial.


Therapy for cognitive stimulation

Participation in group exercises and activities as part of cognitive stimulation treatment (CST) aims to:

  • Memory aptitudes for solving issues
  • English proficiency
  • There is evidence that CST is advantageous for those with mild to moderate dementia.


Cognitive Rehabilitation

This method entails working with a family member or friend and a skilled expert, such as an occupational therapist, to accomplish a personal objective, such as mastering the use of a mobile phone or other commonplace chores.

Cognitive rehabilitation works by using your healthy brain to help your unhealthy brain.


Working with memories and life stories

Talking about items and experiences from your past is part of reminiscence practice. Typically, it entails the use of props like pictures, cherished items, or music.

A life narrative project entails compiling memories from your youth to the present, including photos, notes, and mementos. It could be a digital copy or a real book.


Sometimes, these strategies are put together. They can, according to evidence, elevate mood and general well-being. Additionally, they assist you and the people around you in putting your abilities and accomplishments ahead of your dementia.


You could benefit from professional help, and discuss your concerns about dementia or cognitive impairment due to aging with an Online Counsellor and a Psychologist of your choice. You can connect with the Best Psychologists in India, counsellors, Psychologists, and Online Psychiatrists and take Online Counselling at TalktoAngel No. 1 Mental Wellness Counselling platform with just one click, who can help you handle your mental health difficulties and take care of your mental health on your own.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical PsychologistCounsellor, & Life Coach & Ms. Shikha Thakur


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