Family Therapy: Techniques & Interventions

Family Therapy: Techniques & Interventions

November 17 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1470 Views

Using family therapy approaches, you can reduce family conflict by helping your family members communicate and interact better. There are many different family therapies approaches, but four primary ones predominate. The four basic therapy family techniques—structural, Bowenian, strategic, and systematic—are covered in this article. Family Attachment Narrative Therapy is one of the forms of therapy used by the “Best Psychologist near me”. Family systemic therapy is aimed at framework thinking in its perspective of the family as a passionate unit. 

Have you ever heard someone describe your child's conduct in a way that doesn't seem to line up with your own observations? You could be perplexed as to why someone would behave differently among strangers than they would their family. For that, there is a word. It's referred to as family dynamics.

For better or worse, the family has a significant impact on our behavior and mental health. They are the cause of both happiness and sorrow.

By enhancing member contact and communication, family therapy reduces family conflict. It investigates how a person's actions impact both the individual and their relationships with another person, such as a partner or family. Usually, several family members are involved.

Family therapy strategies come in a wide variety; however, there seem to be four basic models that pre-dominate the field:


Salvador Minuchin developed structural family therapy, which holds that the issues within the family are due to its structure. More specifically, Minuchin thought that in order for a family to be healthy, there needed to be a set of rules and boundaries. The therapist in structural family therapy guides the family toward transformation during the session. The therapist might advise parents, for instance, to become more involved and present a unified front to their kids. According to Minuchin, triangulation—the use of a third party to hide problems between two family members—is a common practice in families. The creation of a structural map, which depicts the boundaries and hierarchies of a family, is one of the key components of the structural family therapy technique.

Intergenerational Family Therapy

One of the earliest complete ideas of family therapy was created by Murray Bowen. He thought that self-differentiation, or the capacity to distinguish between thoughts and feelings, was the aim of therapy. According to his theory, self-differentiation in the family reduced anxiety and symptomatology. He would be willing to work with a single family member as opposed to expecting several family members to participate because self-differentiation is an individual process. According to him, family dynamics frequently occur in triads (triangles), and the function of the therapist is to identify dynamics as a detached coach and educator. Genograms are a crucial tool for identifying the dynamics of multigenerational families.


The use of strategic family therapy gained popularity thanks to Milton Erickson and Jay Haley. They held the opinion that the family's persistent responses to inter-family interactions maintain difficulties. The therapist's role is to persuade the family to adopt second-order behavioral change (i.e., creating new responses to behavioral problems). The majority of the work is completed outside of therapy sessions, unlike structural family therapy. The family will be given homework by the therapist, who will instruct them to test out novel solutions to persistent issues. Paradoxical intention is one of the primary tactics used by therapists. For instance, a therapist can "prescribe the symptom" and instruct a family to carry on as usual in the hopes that they will defy them and try something new.


According to systemic family therapy, a family member experiences symptoms as a result of trying to deal with the actions of other family members. Because everyone is connected, it is believed that by changing one person's behavior, the entire system may be changed. The therapist is viewed as an impartial party whose main objective is to get family members to question their understanding of the family system (i.e., epistemology), which will then prompt them to alter their behavior.

Circular inquiry is the main strategy used in systemic family therapy. The purpose of circular questions is to get a person to consider the relationships among family members. They introduce a person to other people's perspectives and the variations in viewpoints among family members. This enables individuals to view the issue from a different angle and may lead to a change in course of action. Who in the family cares about you the most, for instance, a therapist would inquire about each family member. Then, each person's viewpoint is expressed for everyone to hear in the hopes that it may eventually lead to a change in conduct.

Depending on the theoretical framework, a therapist's actions may vary in family therapy. All family therapy, however, shares the understanding that a family is a system with numerous interwoven pieces. In order for the system to become adaptable and healthy, family relationships must be addressed. Online Family therapy aims to develop good sibling relationships, healthy development, healthy couple relationships,  overcome family conflicts, stress, anxiety, and depression and promote better mental health.

Feel free to talk to our best Online Counsellor for addressing family issues. You can also take comfortable, affordable Online Counselling with the Best Therapist in India at TalktoAngel.



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