Hope, a Driver to Shun your Worries: Seek Online Counseling
Hope, a Driver to Shun your Worries: Seek Online Counseling
September 10 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1472 Views
The World Health Organization's first-ever Mental Health Action Plan endorsed in May 2013 at the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly (WHO). The strategy featured suicide prevention as a key component with the aim of lowering the global suicide rate. Suicide relates to a larger category of behaviour and conduct known as self-directed violence. Self-directed violence is activity that is intentionally intended to cause harm or the possibility of causing harm to oneself. There isn't a single reason why people commit suicide. Suicidal behavioursare often influenced by social, psychological, cultural, and other variables, but because mental illness and suicide carry a social stigma, many people are reluctant to seek treatment. It is advisable to consult best psychologist or best psychiatrist near me as a first aid.
According to a report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the incidence of suicide-related deaths in India hit an all-time high in 2021, accounting1.64 lakh persons committed suicide, an increase of 7.2% from 1.53 lakh in 2020.Family concerns, financial troubles, unemployment, academic pressure, relationship troubles, drug misuse and addiction, bankruptcy or a sudden change in financial circumstances, poverty, and dowry disputes are the top reasons of suicide. Suicide has numerous other reasons, including suspected or illicit relationships, annulled or unresolved marriages, the death of a loved one, divorce, ideological motivations or hero worship, illegitimate pregnancies, physical and sexual abuse, and professional or career issues.
- Creating Awareness
When it comes to suicide prevention, it is crucial to identify mental pain and suffering as early as possible and seek effective therapy and treatment. There are at least a few common traits to be aware of, even if you might not be able to predict what would lead a friend or loved one to try suicide or self-harm. Suicides can be prevented and losses accruing on account of sudden deaths can be very well minimized if the right awareness and the right time counselling by psychologists.
Some of the prevalent red flags that someone may be considering suicide include:
- Frequent mood fluctuations and persistent sorrow.
- After a time of despair or mood swings, the person has become withdrawn and isolated.
- Individual has startedfavouring solitude over friends or social interactions.
- Have stopped finding enjoyment or interest in activities they formerly loved.
- The person experiences sudden changes in attitude, appearance,behaviour, and sleep pattern.
- Engagement in risky behaviour or destructive activity.
- Individual has recently gone through a traumatic event, such as losing a loved one, divorcing or ending a relationship, losing a job, failing in exams,or facing significant financial difficulties.
- The person has talked about feeling of helplessness, having no purpose to live, being burden on others, becoming confined, or experiencing excruciating emotional agony.
Not everyone who is contemplating suicide will express their intentions, and not everyone who makes a threat of suicide will really act on it. However, it is important to take any suicide threats seriously.
How to help?
When someone is in distress, depressed with suicidal ideations, make them comfortable by active listening, treat them with respect and encourage them to communicate about their feelings and ideas, most individuals can get through their difficult times. The majority of people who consider suicide, prefer to find different way to end their excruciating emotional suffering and melancholy periods of anxiety and depression.
Talking to the “best psychologist near me” may be a good option. Here are a few ways you can do to influence and change the situation.
- Active Listening
We can demonstrate our openness, and empathy by talkingto the person in crisis by active listening to what they have to say. We can do so by asking straight, honest questions, effectively and patiently listening. This could include appreciative inquiring about how they feel about suicide. Avoid arguing with the person and start by expressing your concern and providing the person with examples. Never demean or disrespect them or even try to talk someone out of suicide. Instead, let the individual know you care, that you are there for him or her, that suicide thoughts are fleeting, and that depression is treatable. Statements like "You have so much to live for" or "Your suicide would affect your family" should be avoided.
- Be Compassionate
What you say counts a lot when speaking with someone who is considering suicide. Attempting to solve their problems on their behalf typically isn't helpful either; what may seem like a simple remedy to you may appear impossible to someone facing a crisis.
Try the following to both acknowledge their sentiments and provide them with hope:
- “Thank you for sharing that with me; it sounds really painful. How can I assist?”
- “I'm worried about you because I understand and I care, and I want to provide assistance wherever and whatever I can.”
- “I realise things look bad now, and it can be difficult to see potential answers when you feel so burdened. You can at least speak with me.”
Encourage them to seek in-person or online counselling
If you're having suicidal thoughts, your suffering could feel unbearable and never-ending to you. However, there are strategies to deal with suicide ideas and urges and overcome the suffering that you are bearing presently.
- Always remember you are not alone: You are not alone, no matter how much suffering you are going through right now. At some time in our lives, many of us have thought of ending our lives. Suicidal thoughts are not a sign of weakness or insanity, and they do not indicate that you are insane, unable, or defective. It just indicates that you are now unable to handle your suffering.
- Make a promise that you won’t do anything impulsive: Give yourself some time to flow between thoughts and action, despite the fact that you're now experiencing a lot of discomfort. Make a commitment to yourself that you'll wait, for example, "I'll wait 2 days and won't do anything dramatic during that time." You may also wait a week. Your suicide ideas do not have to materialise; thoughts and deeds are two distinct things. There is no time limit, and no one is pressuring you to act on these ideas right now. Wait. Put some time in between having suicide thoughts and really doing it.
- Secure your place with safety precautions: Take away any items, such as medications, knives, razors, or weapons, that you could use to injure yourself. If you can't feel yourself safe and comfortable at your home, look for an area where you will feel protected and secure.
- Do not conceal your suicidal thoughts: Many people have discovered that talking to a trusted friend or family member about suicidal thoughts and feelings is the first step towards overcoming them. It might be a close relative, close friend, therapist, online counsellor, teacher, family doctor, life coach, or a certified clinical psychologist.
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