How Do Men Deal With Mental Health Concerns?

How Do Men Deal With Mental Health Concerns?

November 19 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1285 Views

The expectations of society and gender roles are major reasons why men are more reluctant to talk about or seek assistance and Online Counselling for mental health issues. We know that gender stereotypes regarding women like women should dress or appear in a certain manner cause harm to women. In a similar way, it's important to realize that the stereotypes and expectations of society from men can be detrimental to them as well. However, over the last few decades, we've seen an increase in awareness and interest in the topic of male mental health, in part due to the people in the spotlight on television, and film has spoken out about their mental health issues and personal experiences. It's crucial to voice such concerns and combat stigma regarding the mental health of men.

Men are typically believed to provide the income in the household and to be dominant, strong, and in command. Although these aren't necessarily negative things, they could make it difficult for men to seek assistance and be open. A few studies suggest that men who don't talk honestly about their emotions might be less likely to spot the signs of mental health issues within themselves and are less likely to seek out help. Men are also more likely to resort to possibly harmful methods of coping such as alcohol, smoking, or drugs. They are also less likely to talk with friends, family members or acquaintances concerning their psychological health. Men are also likely to have less satisfaction with their lives than women and are more likely to be killed by suicide than women.

Why men don't talk about mental health?

Men tend to be less inclined to open up about mental health issues, such as depression. People who are diagnosed with mental health problems, don't speak about it because they fear that admitting to the problems makes them weak. They aren't willing to visit and consult psychiatrist and pharmacy and buy an antidepressant since they fear that they'll be considered as weak. They aren't keen to consult a therapist since they don't want to talk about it with strangers. If they don't openly discuss their issues and aren't willing to admit it. This makes it more difficult for family or friends to recognize that something is wrong. 

Men do not always display the typical signs associated with depression, such as despair and sadness. Instead, they may seem angry or aggressive or even go silent, making it more difficult for loved ones and doctors to overlook the indications of major mental health problems. Due to these instances, men may not receive the treatments they require to get better.

Men and Depression

There isn't any distinct type or category such as 'male depression, however, certain symptoms are more common among men than in women. This includes irritability rapid anger, an increase in loss of control, taking risks, and aggression. Men who suffer from depression might not be able to cry or speak about their emotions. They might not even admit to contemplating suicide. Men suffering from depression might struggle to hide their symptoms. In the end, they might become angry and violent. Men are also more likely to turn to alcohol or drugs to deal with depression instead of speaking about it. They could engage in the escapist way of life for example, by putting themselves laboriously into work.

If you're suffering from depression, support is available. Read more about depression, and seek help from the best Online Counsellors for depression at TalktoAngel.

Seeking Mental Health Help

If you're someone who has mental health issues, speaking to a mental health expert or an Online Counsellor can be of great help and support. It can even be frightening, particularly if you have been taught throughout your life to "man up" and "be strong". Having access to mental health resources can seem to contradict the expectations of society from you. 

It's vital to remember that men do not have anything to feel embarrassed or ashamed about. These conditions aren't weaknesses, they're illnesses. Many men have struggled to communicate their feelings and work out how to express their feelings. 

Here are some essential steps to follow:

  • Seek professional assistance. Online Counselling can be used to talk and resolve problems you're presently facing. Don't be afraid to voice your concerns. The  Online Counsellor or therapist will assist you with getting the therapy or treatment you require “Clinical Psychologist near me”. In many instances, you might be able to solve your issues through therapy instead of medication.
  • Find more effective ways to share your feelings. It can be tempting to shout or get angry or even use alcohol or drugs when you're feeling down. But instead of yelling in anger, try something else. Breathe deeply and count to 10 and allow yourself a few minutes to settle down.
  • Take control of your stresses. Stress at the workplace and at home can exacerbate the symptoms of mental illness in a number of ways. Don't feel guilt-free about having time to do activities you enjoy. You may be interested in determining whether meditation, deep breathing, or stretching can help you to relax.
  • Engage in regular physical activity. Research suggests that regular exercise can ease depression-related symptoms. People who exercise regularly during their spare moments are more likely be suffering from this disorder.
  • Make sure you take good care of yourself. You're worthy of taking care of your needs. Regular exercise, enough sleep, and nutritious meals that include plenty of fruits and vegetables can be small steps to start with. Avoid using alcohol drinking and drugs. Being kind and understanding to yourself will bring you into a better mental state to handle your concerns.

For further assistance connect with the Top Psychologist in India to deal with your mental health concerns.



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