How to Overcome Psychoactive Substances Abuse?

How to Overcome Psychoactive Substances Abuse?

December 08 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 2043 Views

Psychoactive drugs affect the brain. They alter the perception of thoughts, moods, and behavior. These substances can induce feelings of euphoria, heightened energy, hallucinations, insomnia, and many others. The term "psychoactive drug" typically is used to refer to illegal substances, like lysergic acids diethylamide (LSD) as well as heroin and cocaine. But, these substances are part of a wider category of psychoactive substances, and many among them are legal. Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are all kinds of psychoactive substances that are consumed by many people. The abuse or misuse of them is often classified as addiction; you can overcome this by talking with the Best Psychologist near me at India’s No. 1 Electronic Mental Health Wellbeing and Online Counselling Platform. 

Psychoactive substances of different types

Psychoactive drugs are classified into various types, based on the effects they have on the individual. They include:

  • Anti-Depressants: These medications can relax the brain induce sleepiness and help people feel calm. However, they may also trigger nightmares, anxiety, and even aggression. 
  • Stimulants: These are drugs like caffeine and cocaine. The effects of stimulants can increase energy, alertness, and awakening.
  • Opiates: They are pain-killing drugs that boost feelings of joy or euphoria. They also produce a tranquilizing effect. They could result in dependence if someone abuses these substances, which include substances like heroin.
  • Hallucinogens: These medications can cause people to experience hallucinations. This means they might be able to hear or see things that aren't real. They also can cause people to see time differently, be disconnected from the world around them, or be extremely enlightened. LSD is one example of a hallucinogen.

What is the effect of those drugs?

Every drug causes an immediate reaction in your body. Certain reactions are normal and predictable while others can cause serious and lasting problems. The difficulties get worse when the drug is misused. The dangers of psychoactive drugs are:

Physical symptoms that can be experienced in the short term are higher blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat, issues with eating, and sleep,  nausea, vomiting, shaking, or dizziness. In the long run, these effects can cause respiratory issues, cardiovascular illnesses as well as liver and kidney damage. They can also cause physical dependence that impacts the brain's chemistry, which can lead to poor judgment and risk-taking behaviors that is not typical. Psychoactive substances can cause cognitive issues such as problems in being able to clearly think and take calculated and informed decisions. The most damaging results are attributed to more hazardous drugs like heroin or cocaine as well as a legal substances like alcohol. 

Generally, the majority of psychoactive drugs influence the body's central nervous system. Through their ability to alter the brain's function and function, psychoactive substances can change mood, perception, and even consciousness. Therefore, certain drugs can be considered habit-forming drugs. In particular, they include stimulants such as cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. However, being dependent chemically on a substance can also result in addiction. Since some psychoactive substances are found naturally, like marijuana. Many people believe that they're safer than synthetic substances, however, marijuana addiction can occur individually which has negative physical and psychological effects.

The most common side effects that result from taking these medications include:

  • Agitation
  • Disorientation
  • Tremors
  • Dizziness
  • Motor impairment
  • Drool
  • Paranoia/hallucinations

Psychological dangers of using psychoactive substances

Risks associated with using Cocaine:

Extremely violent, unpredictable, or paranoid behavior; "coke bugs"--a feeling of imagining insects crawling across the skin; anxiety and depression; lack of desire for food or sexual activity; "cocaine psychosis"--losing the connection with reality; losing interest in family members, friends or sports, hobbies, and other things.

Risks associated with using hallucinogens

Flashbacks; a feeling of separation and disorientation; depression and anxiety; paranoia;  violent behavior;  confusion and suspicion as well as loss of control over behaviors similar to schizophrenia catatonic syndrome in which the patient becomes silent and agitated, confused, and performs meaningless repeated motions.

Other potential risks associated with psychoactive substances include addiction or worsening mental health problems; memory issues; unintentional weight gain or loss of weight, lung problems due to smoking, pregnancy complications, and fluctuating blood pressure. The drug can cause someone to feel excitement, euphoria, or an increase in energy. It could cause people to feel tired and relaxed. It can also cause a sense of calm. It can induce euphoria and have a calming impact. It can alter someone's perceptions and lead them to perceive or hear things that aren't present.

Options for treatment?

Treatments are not universally suitable for everyone. Treatments can vary depending on the needs of the individual. You are able to choose the one which is best for your needs based on the substance that you're consuming, the level of care you require and your own personal health requirements, and the healthcare options you are able to pay for. Here are a few most popular addiction treatment options which have put patients on the track toward recovery. It’s always better to involve the family in family counseling. Further, if you find any of the employees in the organization has been abusing psychotropic or psychoactive substances, seek consultation with the best EAP providers of India for identification and treatment. 


Medically assisted detox can help you get rid of your body of harmful substances in a secure setting. This is important because the withdrawal of substances can lead to uncomfortable or even life-threatening signs. For detox you must seek consultation with the best psychiatrist near me at TalktoAngel, India’s No. Leading Online Psychiatric Consultation cyber platform.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful treatment tool since it can be utilized to treat many types of addictions, including, but not only, alcohol addiction, food addiction, and addiction to prescription drugs. It is not just a way to assist you in recognizing your bad behavior patterns and triggers, but it also can aid you in identifying triggers and building coping skills. You can seek the best online CBT at Asia’s Leading Mental health & Wellbeing Platform.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) can help you identify your negative thoughts and show you strategies to overcome feelings of self-doubt. The purpose of REBT is to assist you to understand that the power of rational thinking is within you and is not connected to external events or stressful events.

Addiction Counselling 

Addiction Counselling is crucial to help the client to understand the root of their addiction and take the necessary steps to overcome and manage their problems. Through breaking an addiction cycle in-person therapy or Online Counselling can provide an alternative way for those who suffer from addictions, eliminating negative thinking patterns and assisting people to see challenging circumstances in a different light.

Take help from the best Online Counsellor at TalktoAngel for CBT, REBT, and Addiction Counselling. For any further assistance book an Online Counselling session with the Best Therapist in India.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri and Mr. Utkarsh Yadav


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