How to Set Healthy Boundaries?
How to Set Healthy Boundaries?
February 16 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 2231 Views
to Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist &
`Life Coach, “Setting standards for your life and the
purpose you give it is essential and even necessary. We feel abused and
mistreated when we don't set healthy boundaries and hold individuals
accountable”.Almost all of us know what the word boundaries mean but they
find it hard to define it. Boundaries are often categorized as a property line
or a brick wall which is used to keep people out. But these boundaries are not
some lines that are drawn on sand or floor and are not visible to people. When
people set boundaries it simply means that they are just taking care of their
own selves. When they know and understand how to build and set healthy
boundaries, they are keeping themselves away from all the negative feelings
like resentment, disappointment, and anger
that come up when these boundaries are crossed.
root of boundaries is in clear communication. When they are communicated
clearly, they are respected. Even if you need to repeat yourself a few times,
resist the urge to apologise or define your boundaries. Boundaries define where your space stops and someone else's begins,
much like an invisible fence surrounding a garden.
What are healthy boundaries?
boundaries are the restrictions you set around your time, emotions, physical
wellbeing, and mental well-being to maintain your resiliency, stability, and
sense of self. These powerful boundaries prevent you against being taken
advantage of, depressed,
and others cannot manipulate you as well.
can establish your boundaries around:
- Emotional feelings and energy
- Timings
- Personal space
- Sexuality
- Ethics and morals
- Money and material possessions
- The social media
can set boundaries with:
- Family
- Friends
- Romantic relationships
- People at your workplace
- Strange people
Importance of boundaries
we establish boundaries, it can be beneficial to both you and those who are
around you. When people are clear about your boundaries, people will understand
what you will and won't tolerate and will change their behaviour. People who
disregard your limits may not be people you want in your life.
healthy boundaries can help you with the following:
- Develop a higher sense of self pride and sef-esteem
- Make sure you are clear about your identity, objectives,
values, and beliefs.
- Prioritising your own needs and your health.
- Improve your emotional and mental wellbeing.
- Prevent burnout
- Become independent
Ways to maintain healthy boundaries
1. Identifying
your boundaries
of us reach adulthood without even considering what boundaries are. If
this describes you then you not alone in this. Due to never having the chance
to learn, many people, especially those from mix up families or families
with weak boundaries, struggle to even understand what their boundaries are.
For this people can start with the things they feel comfortable with. For some
people it could be politic and for others it could be religion. Some may go for
boundaries with spending time or the amount of physical touch they want to
2. Communicating
people what you will tolerate and what you will not tolerate
need to set boundaries if those close to you frequently do or say things that
completely annoy you. If you don't tell them that what they're doing is wrong,
they'll never understand it. When someone acts in a way that makes you feel
inferior or unappreciated, be the person who speaks out. You should take all
possible precautions to avoid anything that doesn't feel right to you.
3. Thinking
about the impacts of the actions you are applying
what kind of influence an opportunity will have on me and others has helped me
learn to say no. Will it make our lives better, or could something else have a
greater influence? Consider how long something will take relative to the amount
of good it will accomplish. Say no if it will take more time than it is worth.
4. Practicing
are set so that people can focus on their feeling and honour them also.
whenever you feel that you are about to cross your boundaries or you are crossing
them, ask yourself the following questions:
- What
has altered?
- Why
am I doing this? or
- What
the other person is doing
- What is causing me to feel worried or resentful?
5. Feel your feelings
can be in fear of how the other person is going to respond. You could also feel
bad about how you are speaking to the other person. You might believe
that you should be able to handle things since people are counting on you to.
You could question whether you appreciate having limitations or boundaries.
It's acceptable to give yourself space so that you can process your
emotions and feelings.
6. Think
about your past and present
to your upbringing and place in the family, you could struggle to establish and
uphold limits. For instance, if you grew up taking care of others, you may have
learnt to neglect your own needs and allow yourself to become mentally and
physically exhausted. It could be common if you to ignore or
disregard your own needs and interests.
7. Making
self-care a top most priority.
yourself to prioritise your needs. Your motivation to set healthy
boundaries will become stronger with this. Self-care simply means that you are
processing your feeling and emotions. When you take care of yourself, it will
give you the energy to process things, it will help you in giving mental peace
and positive outlook which will present you positively in front of other
you are finding it difficult to make boundaries on your own, you can also go
for formal as well as informal support. Seek online
consultation with the best "Clinical Psychologist near me",
who shall help you in setting healthy boundaries.
If you are a
manager or an employee not having healthy boundaries can create workplace
stress can affect you all the same. TalktoAngel offers the best workplace
counselling and Employee
Assistance Programme (EAP). Lack of boundaries creates relationship
in marriage seek the best
marriage counselling in India.
Contact TalktoAngel,
Asia's top mental health platform, whether you are looking for a "Psychologist
near me" or the Best
Therapist in India for Online Counselling.
Contributed By- Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Best
Clinical Psychologist & Life Coach & Ms. Varshini Nayyar
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