Importance of Perinatal Counselling

Importance of Perinatal Counselling

January 27 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 2305 Views

The most joyful and challenging times in your life may come with having a child. Mental health problems frequently appear out of nowhere during pregnancy and have a serious impact on both pregnant women and new mothers.

The term "perinatal mental health" describes a woman's psychological well-being both during pregnancy and after giving birth. The main goal of peri-natal therapy is to support women (as well as couples) on their path to motherhood. Even when everything goes according to plan, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting involve tremendous change, stress, and worry. Although it can be a lovely and exciting time, the changes you go through can also cause you to feel dark, gloomy, anxious, fearful, guilty, and uncertain. These emotions can become even more complex and difficult to handle on your own for women who are dealing with infertility, pregnancy problems, perinatal loss, or hospitalization.

Perinatal counselling provides emotional support and treatment for women (and couples) who are having a difficult time adjusting to pregnancy and parenthood, who are experiencing a perinatal mood or anxiety problem, or who are experiencing both.

Who is affected by Perinatal Mental Illness?

Anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or level of income, can experience a perinatal mental disorder. Data indicate, however, that prenatal mental health issues are more prevalent in low- and middle-income nations, particularly in communities where there are already racial or economic inequalities. This means that if you are a non-white or live in a low-income family, you may be more likely to have depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition during your pregnancy or after giving birth.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing a perinatal mental health issue:

  • A family or personal history of postpartum depression, anxiety, or sorrow Dysphoria before menstruation (PMDD or PMS)

  • Inadequate assistance in raising your child

  • Financial anxiety

  • Marital tension

  • A significant recent event, such as a death, move, or job loss

  • A background of undergoing infertility treatments

For women (and couples) who are struggling to adjust to pregnancy and parenting, perinatal counselling may help. Treatment options for perinatal mood disorders include postpartum depression, post-traumatic disorder, anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder including those related to infertility or the devastation that results from perinatal bereavement.

Perinatal counselling can help you if you are going through any of the following:

  • Feeling inferior, as if your performance is insufficient

  • Feeling Guilt, shame, or regret

  • A lack of enthusiasm, excitement, or pleasure

  • Wish to get rid of resentment, aggravation, melancholy, or hopelessness

  • Worry about being alone with your child

  • Frightful ideas or images involving your child's dread of leaving them unattended

  • Rushing thoughts, or trouble concentrating

When they exhibit signs of a perinatal mental disorder, very few parents come forward or ask for assistance. There are a variety of causes why it could be challenging to ask for aid. They consist of:

  • Physical obstacles: It could seem hard for new parents to acquire the aid they need if they are recovering from childbirth, taking care of a baby alone, or have no access to transportation or communication.
  • Systemic health barriers: Mood disorders may go misdiagnosed and/or untreated if your medical facility or the location of your delivery does not have a perinatal mental health clinic to address or navigate them throughout pregnancy or postpartum.
  • Social and cultural barriers: There is a regrettable stigma associated with mental health disorders in various cultures or social groups, especially when you become a parent. Reaching out for assistance may result in feelings of guilt or inadequacy if you come from a family or culture where dealing with mental health issues is seen as something you just "suck it up" to.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of therapies available. In perinatal mental health clinics, where they receive talk therapy, group counselling, and/or medication, we have matched a lot of suffering birth parents. Contacting your midwife or another healthcare practitioner over the phone can sometimes be the difference between feeling better and continuing to be ill, and on the other side, healing is frequently possible.

A pregnant parent can avoid many of the difficulties that come with traditional counselling by using online therapy. People can more easily receive treatment thanks to remote therapy because they can hold sessions at home without having to make travel arrangements.

Additionally, it implies that patients can find the best medical professionals or the best psychiatrists anywhere in the world, regardless of their physical location. Evidence suggests that face-to-face therapy and remote online therapy consultations are equally beneficial.

It's critical to recognize and comprehend that your difficult thoughts and feelings are transitory and manageable. You deserve the help you need!

Reach out to the best Perinatal Counsellor or the Best Psychologist in India at TalktoAngel today and take Online Counselling for your issues.

Contributed by Dr. (Prof) R.K. Suri, Clinical Psychologist & Life Coach & Ms. Varshini Nayyar



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