Love in a Woman's Perspective
Love in a Woman's Perspective
March 13 2024 TalktoAngel 0 comments 11614 Views
The dictionary defines love as "an intense feeling of deep affection", however, it can mean something completely different for different people. The definition of love differs from person to person and the process of falling into love is difficult to explain. The jitters of dating, social expectations, and gender-based dynamics could affect how you interact with your potential partner. While all human beings have feelings of affection for each other in different ways, one’s way, it might be some variations in how men and women are attracted to each other and how they define love. It is therefore essential to understand what love means to a man and woman and how it could aid you in navigating the complicated dynamics of the Relationship. For more insight on love, talk to a professional Relationship Counsellor at TalktoAngel.
What does
Love mean to women?
The concept of love for women has always been difficult to quantify and define due to the character and traits it holds. However, there is some biological aspect that plays a role in being in love. If you are in a relationship with someone, your brain is flooded with happy chemicals such as dopamine. This makes you feel euphoric and excited about the person you are with. As the relationship grows the brain can experience an increase in various positive substances, such as oxytocin that help you to become closer to your lover in the long run.
When love is thought of from a woman’s perspective, it could manifest in one or many kinds as mentioned below:
- Hopeless
Love is a way to enjoy each other's company, even when it's not. Love communicates with each other through your eyes, since the words you say are just not enough at times. Women who are hopeless romanticsare the one who remains a true believer in love, regardless of the challenges they have had to endure through the years. They look for the good in relationships ignore the negative and believe that love can conquer everything.
- Selflessness?
Women are selfless when they the love they share. They will stay awake just to talk to you for just a few minutes. They would skip things they enjoy to make you smile. They will always be willing to sacrifice to ensure your satisfaction. They would hide feelings they have because they might hurt you. They make excessive efforts to protect their loved ones. In the end, they are accused of being sad all the time. They are accused of being emotionally unstable, yet they love unconditionally.
- Love that
being their best self?
For many women, finding love is finding someone who can bring out the best of them, and challenges them to improve and grow in personal and professional life. Women want someone with whomthey at ease and can be comfortable with who they are inside and out. They need someone who can be truly their best friend and partner at the same time and with whomtheycan discuss alltheir experiences.
- Reliability?
It isoften good to know that whatever happens, you'll have someone to be able to count on. It's unselfish and can make you feel happy inside. Women who manifest this kind of lovecan trust their partners deeply and feel comfortable with them. For them, it is as if their heart tells them that love is the best, incredibly warm and soft. With a reliable kind of love, people never lose hope for the people they cherish.
- Being
True love happens whenone can completely commit oneself to another person, both during good and bad times. It's about accepting each other's differences and embracing them as they are. Women with vulnerable kinds of love let their defences down in a relationship and communicategenuinely and openly. It entails putting their heart on the line and being the most genuine version of themselves in a relationship.
- Quality time?
Love of quality time kind happens when you are with your partnerand participating in activities together to strengthen your bond with others by sharing time. Women who manifest this kind of love wanttheir partner’s time to feel unique and sacred and wantto feel that their partneris in total presence with them when they are together. With mobilephones kept aside, gadgets and other activities on standby their love is about spending quality time together.
- Intimacy?
Women feel affection and love through closeness and intimacy when they speak, touch, and communicate their emotions and thoughts with their loved ones. They usually are more attracted to intimacy than in sexual activity. The feeling of intimacy while in love requires time to grow. Women who prefer intimacy in their love want to build a relationship that is based on the emotional bond, and physical proximity.
- Expression of
After a couple has decided how they feel about one another, women who are in relationships with men might become more inclined to tell each other "I love you" more often. The research suggests that the phrase could be more meaningful to women than to men. Research indicates that women put their spouses' expressions of "I love you” as their most romantic gestures while men do not. Women understand love as an expression of honesty and a declaration of their partner’s appreciation and liking for them.
- Commitment?
Women are tough and self-reliant and aren't hesitant to give their hearts and their lives to someone. However, if a woman is ready to allow someone close to them it is one of the indications that she is confident and enjoys the relationship to some degree. In a relationship, a woman would like an individual to be committed to her both physically and emotionally. An openness to commitment and then expecting the same in return makes women fully invested in what theyconsider as love. If someone can meet her halfway and is willing to commit without hesitation, she would happily stay in love.
If love is getting
difficult to handle: Get help from an
Who would want to discuss the difficulties of love? But If you've loved someone for any amount of time, you'll encounter a time when it becomes difficult to love. Maintaining or improving the relationship takes dedication and determination. It requires a lot of energy to focus on yourself and your partner. Additionally, relationships can be frightening as they get typically uneasy with time. This is a problem that can arise in marriage, friends, family, or in any relationship.People may become difficult when they face different challenges in their lives. In such a situation, couples may require help from an online therapist to manage the difficult moments during their relationship or marriage. Online counselling is an appealing possibility for couples looking to strengthen their relationship with the help of Best psychologists in India and the best online Couple Counsellors.
Contribution by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Best Clinical Psychologist & Life Coach & Mr. Utkarsh Yadav, Counselling Psychologist
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