Parenting Issues & Types of Parenting

Parenting Issues & Types of Parenting

November 30 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1422 Views

Parenting is a responsibility that needs a significant amount of time, patience, and selfless love. Parents should help their children develop knowledge, abilities, interests, life skills, and healthy behaviors and are not just supposed to look out for their children. Sometimes it could be pressurizing and overwhelming for the parents and they may not be able to overcome all the challenges and difficulties related to children, which in turn can affect their mental health. Many parents have a firm belief that their children will do everything they say. Some parents attempt to control every aspect of their child's life in order to protect them and provide them with the best opportunity for success. Others take a more relaxed approach, allowing their children to make almost all decisions.

Your parenting style can influence your child's self-esteem, physical health, and interpersonal relationships. Because your interactions with your child and the manner in which you discipline them will have an impact on them for the rest of their lives, it is important that the parenting style that a person adopts should promote healthy growth and development in children.  The common child-related problem is hyperactivity, inattention, lack of social skills, poor academic performance, food & nutrition issues, temper tantrum, personality challenges, irritability, anger, anxiety, addiction to gadget, lying behavior, autism, learning disability, etc. One can take teenage counselling at India’s best teen therapy and Online Counselling Platform.

Four major categories of parenting styles have been determined by researchers:

  • Authoritarian
  • Authoritative
  • Permissive
  • Uninvolved

Each parenting method has a distinctive approach to child-rearing, as well as advantages and disadvantages that are unique to it. People frequently want to know which parenting approach is better and which they are currently employing. Although there isn't a single best technique to raise a child, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends an authoritative approach as the general parenting approach.


1. Authoritarian Parenting

Strict parents believe that kids should always follow the rules. Parental concern for compliance outweighs parental worry about negotiation. They also prohibit children from taking part in obstacles or difficulties that demand problem-solving. Instead, they set the rules and impose the punishments without taking into account a child's perspective.


Parental authority figures may substitute punishment for instruction so that they can understand their bad behavior and can learn how to decisions properly in their lives. When their parents are strict and authoritarian, their children tend to follow the rules the majority of the time.   On the plus side, children with authoritarian parents are aware of the boundaries and the effects of crossing these boundaries. 


They might, however, also turn hostile or violent. They frequently concentrate on the anger they feel against their parents or themselves because they feel that their parents are not as they expectations. Authoritarian parents are frequently harsh, which may encourage their children to build better lying skills in order to avoid punishment.


2. Authoritative Parenting

Parents who are authoritative impose rules and regulations and also impose penalties, but they also consider their children's perspectives. They recognize their children's feelings while emphasizing that the adults are ultimately in charge. This method is supported by science and professionals as the most productive and developmentally sound parenting style.


Parents who use authoritative parenting give time and put effort so that they can avoid all the behavioral issues in their children. They also engage in positive discipline techniques like reward and punishment so that they can reinforce good manners and behaviors in their children.


Children who are disciplined by adults are more likely to be happy and successful. They are also more likely to be competent independent decision-makers and risk assessors of safety.


3. Permissive Parenting

They take an approach that is generally forgiving. When they do apply penalties, they might not make those penalties last. If a youngster begs for their privileges, they might return them, and if they promise to behave well, they might let them out of time-out early.


Parents that are free and liberal with their children usually act in a way that resembles more like friends than like parents. They frequently urge their kids to talk to them about their issues, but they rarely make an attempt to discourage bad decisions or bad behavior.


Because children who had permissive parenting don't respect the authority and rules and regulations of society, they might have some serious behavioral issues. They frequently exhibit low self-esteem and may express great melancholy. Additionally, they are more susceptible to health issues like obesity since permissive parents find it difficult to encourage regular exercise, healthy eating, or good sleep hygiene. Because lax parents frequently don't enforce beneficial behaviors, including making sure a child brushes their teeth, they are even more likely to have dental cavities.


4. Uninvolved Parenting

Parents who aren't involved often don't know much about what their kids are up to. There are typically not many rules in the home. There may not be enough parental guidance, care, and attention for the kids.


Uninvolved parents expect their children to raise themselves. They don't put much effort or time into providing for children's basic needs. Even when absent parents neglect their children; it is not always on purpose. For instance, a parent struggling with mental health concerns or substance abuse disorders might not be able to consistently meet a child's emotional or physical requirements.


They might think that if they don't watch over their youngster, they'll perform better. Furthermore, there are times when people are simply overburdened by other issues such as employment, household management, and bill-paying. They frequently perform poorly in school. Furthermore, they consistently exhibit behavioral issues and are unhappy.


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Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Dr. Sakshi Kochhar



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