Protecting oneself from Energy Vampires

Protecting oneself from Energy Vampires

March 09 2024 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1082 Views

They make you feel exhausted after each interaction. They are always looking for your attention, and the conversation is always focused on them. They could be charismatic, charming, and the party's most popular personality. They also might cheat. They might be lying. It's likely to be the fault of someone else whenever something goes wrong. These are a few (but not the only) of the characteristics you may see when you meet someone who is an "Energy Vampire." If you're in a relationship with someone you believe is an energy vampire, you could be prone to Anger, frustration, and Anxiety. If this happens, seeking out counseling in person or via Online Therapy with a top Relationship Counsellor can help.

A person who is an energy vampire is a person who drains your energy. There are many types and they're in a range. There's the self-centered drama queen or king who is always struggling with a particular issue or there's the manipulative employee who doesn't care about who they choose to take on to gain an advantage. They can also be psychotic criminals. What all energy vampires have in common is that they "feed upon" (or influence) individuals who offer them space and open ears.

Energy vampires can cause you to become sick

The reason energy vampires are so dangerous is that they could cause chronic Stress. Particularly, if the energy vampire is one you cannot get rid of -- like parents, spouses, or boss being constantly exhausted by the person is stressful. You're always on the edge of your seat around this person, you're waiting for that next step to fall. This type of constant stress is widely recognized to hurt various systems of the body including the cardiovascular, immune, neuroendocrine, and central nervous systems. Studies show that those suffering from constant stress are at greater risk of developing chronic illnesses that range from autoimmune disorders to obesity, heart disease, and Depression.

How can you get rid of these energy vampires (or at the very least, not be taken away)

Keep in mind that when you're concerned about your health and well-being about energy vampires, you can be a little selfish and you can practice good self-care. By doing this, you'll avoid becoming overwhelmed, anxious, and sick. Here's how:

Whichever kind that you're dealing with, you're allowed to leave them. Most of us find this difficult to accomplish. We're scared of being perceived as rude and don't want to offend people. There are many ways to get out of an unproductive conversation. If leaving isn't possible, however, you can keep your level of energy by making some small adjustments.

  • Recognize the Signs

One of the most important steps to take is to identify the signs that you're drained and this starts by being aware of the physical reactions. Do you feel a tightening in your chest whenever someone else enters the conversation? Do you feel exhausted when you leave the phone after having a conversation with someone? If you are still unable to understand these signs, taking Online Counselling from an experienced and Best Psychologist in India can be helpful.

  • Take a Deep Breath

When you feel overwhelmed, or trapped, breathing can be a great help. Breathing can be a great method to relax and refocus. Simply breathe and then tell yourself that you understand what's going on and that you can manage it. It is important to keep in mind the power of each individual. If we encounter someone who is snarky or accusatory, we feel depressed and begin to get tense. If we become focused on the breath, or an image of a stunning sunset or panorama from the top of a mountain, the tension will ease away.

  • Use Your Energy

You could also make use of the power of some of your gentle energy to fight the energy vampire. Imagine a light of protection surrounding you, like an energy barrier. You'll still feel the person shouting at you, or accusing you of being a liar or putting herself in your space, but she'll not cut into you as deeply now. You've created a buffer zone in which her negative influence can be sucked out.

  • Set Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries is another method to protect yourself. You mark a line that says, for example, "This is what I can do for you and what I am not able to do." You don't need to convince that vampire of your position. Defensiveness only increases the negative impression that the situation has. You should be neutral. When someone begins pressing your buttons and you feel like you're boiling within, you must decide not to get involved.

  • Step Back

Experts from the field of online psychology also recommend that you take a step back and consider what kind of people bother you. Experts believe that one rule of the universe is we are drawn to things we've not yet figured out about our own lives. When you are paying attention to people who are so draining, you may uncover something you should deal with. Seek online counselling from Top Psychologist and Best Relationship Counsellor to resolve your mental health concerns.

Contribution by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Best Clinical Psychologist & Life Coach & Mr. Utkarsh Yadav, Counselling Psychologist


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