Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

March 01 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1988 Views

A person who experiences rejection-related, severe emotional anguish is said to have rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD). The term "dysphoria," which refers to a strong, if not overpowering, the feeling of pain or discomfort, is derived from an ancient Greek word. RSD is a phrase that specialists use in association with recognized illnesses even if it isn't a recognized symptom or diagnosis.

Even though rejection is something that most people don't like, RSD patients often experience unpleasant emotions that are more intense, more difficult to control, or both. Additionally, people with RSD may have trouble controlling their feelings since they are more inclined to interpret ambiguous interactions as rejection.

RSD and rejection sensitivity have some little differences, despite their tight relationship. To understand the distinctions, it helps to first be familiar with the disorder known as emotional dysregulation.

What is emotional dysregulation?

The connections between the various parts of the human brain are intricate. These areas carry out a multitude of functions, some of which deal with memory, emotions, sensory input, etc. As you mature, your brain develops the ability to control those impulses and maintain manageable amounts. This is similar to how the volume control on a TV operates when it maintains your preferred listening settings.

When your brain struggles to control the signals associated with your emotions, it is said to be suffering from emotional dysregulation. It's like if the TV volume control is set to an annoying or excruciatingly high volume without the option to control them. In essence, emotional dysregulation is when your emotions become too loud for you to control, leaving you with overwhelming, uneasy, or even dangerous sentiments.

Emotional dysregulation may be brought on by a variety of conditions, particularly those that change the way your brain is wired or how it processes information. It frequently occurs with personality abnormalities, mood disorders, and other conditions.

Emotion dysregulation and Rejecting Sensitivity

Both RSD and rejection sensitivity have emotional dysregulation. As opposed to dysphoria. Rejection-sensitive people might engage in any of the following:

  • Experience intense anxiety or other negative feelings before receiving a rejection.
  • Have a hard time interpreting negative interactions (such as neutral or ambiguous responses) as anything else than rejection and respond accordingly.
  • Rejection-related overreactions can cause people to act out of negative emotions like hatred, anguish, great sadness, worry, etc.

All of these things are feasible with RSD, but there is one additional element: RSD sufferers experience an intense if not completely overwhelming, level of emotional agony.

Symptoms of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

As previously stated, RSD's primary symptom is severe emotional suffering. The majority of the time, rejection or disapproval is what causes that agony. However, because it is so severe and unlike most other types of pain, patients with RSD frequently struggle to describe what it feels like (emotional or otherwise).

RSD patients frequently exhibit the following characteristics and behaviors:

  • They can easily become ashamed or self-conscious.
  • They exhibit symptoms of low self-worth and have a hard time believing in themselves.
  • When they feel rejected, they find it difficult to control their feelings. When children and teenagers have this illness, it is frequently obvious. Some people may react by displaying unexpected outbursts of hatred or anger, while others may start crying.
  • Some RSD sufferers may become emotionally introspective as opposed to losing control of their emotions openly. This can mimic the sudden onset of severe sadness, and it may also be misunderstood for the abrupt emotional changes that bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder can cause.
  • They frequently try to win over others' approval and become obsessively preoccupied with doing so.
  • They could refrain from undertaking tasks, ambitions, or projects where there's a danger they won't succeed.
  • They go all out or strive for excellence to make up for their fear of failing or being rejected. The drawback to this is that they frequently struggle with severe anxiety and could find it difficult to prioritize rest or self-care.

Treatment or therapies

Although there is still a lot regarding RSD that is unknown to professionals, there are still techniques & therapies to treat it. A number of different therapeutic approaches may be used at once, and they can also take diverse forms.

People with RSD can benefit from psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as mental health therapy. RSD does not cease to exist or its symptoms are unaffected by therapy. Instead of making feelings overpowering, Online Counselling at TalktoAngel Asia’s no.1 mental health platform can teach a person how to analyze and control their emotions. That can make someone with RSD feel like they have more control over their emotions.

It's crucial to contact a doctor if you suspect you have RSD in order to be diagnosed with a linked disease, such as ADHD, and to schedule a follow-up appointment with a mental health professional. RSD might be challenging for some people to manage on their own, but it is possible. This is due to the fact that RSD results from the way your brain works.

Anxiety and depression are two more mental health disorders that are frequently present in RSD patients. Learning to live with this disease, typically requires a combination of medicine and mental health therapy. As you learn to manage RSD, your provider can advise you on available treatments and self-care strategies.

Rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is a condition that makes it difficult for you to control your emotional reactions to rejection and failure. Even though rejection is nearly always painful, those who have RSD go through extreme emotional suffering. Long-term mental health problems, a fear of failing, and behavioral changes can result from this, all of which can have a severe impact on a person's life.

RSD is not a recognized medical diagnosis, although there is increasing evidence and knowledge about how it operates. Healthcare professionals may also administer therapies and methods used to treat problems that are connected or related to it. If you think you could have RSD, consult a doctor/psychologist who specializes in disorders like ADHD. Clinical Psychologists are best suited to aid you in understanding and learning about RSD.

You can also get professional online consultation from Online Counsellors and the Best Therapist in India and other mental health professionals and have an Online Counselling session. Consult with the best “Relationship Counsellor near me”, to improve your relationship and increase your happiness quotient.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical PsychologistCounsellor, & Life Coach & Aditi Bhardwaj, Psychologist





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