Sexual Conflict in Marriage

Sexual Conflict in Marriage

March 16 2024 TalktoAngel 0 comments 3977 Views

You spend a lot of time with someone in a Relationship and share the same bed.  However, sexual conflicts start to develop over time. How do you handle problems with sexual intimacy? The majority of complaints regarding sex life are shared by both men and women, and these aren't problems that we should be ashamed of since there are many ways to address them. We don't want to think that these problems don't exist in marriage. More or less, some will develop through time, which suggests that we'll need to find a technique to handle our romantic relationships as effectively as possible.

There might be sexual issues in marriage at some point, which is not something you ever want to have to deal with as a married couple. To determine what is happening, you should communicate. Try to identify the areas that are the most challenging. The biggest and most important stage is at the very least having the awareness and the desire to try to repair any sex issues in marriage. Marriage sex problems can be resolved, but only if both of you are committed to resolving them and making this part of your relationship work.

You should leave aside all outside distractions to try to make your way to one another. You can be having these problems as a result of a breakdown in communication because it means that you are no longer on the same page. You might have gone through some kind of trauma in your marriage, so you should discuss this through. If you're in this kind of situation right now, marriage counselling might be the greatest option.

Resuming conversation and engaging in intimate activities can make a significant difference in the relationship. Take it one step at a time and remember that although marriage sex difficulties may feel overwhelming, they are frequently simpler to resolve than you might imagine. You can work together, and be happy together, and if you both put in the necessary effort, you can resolve any sexual issues that may develop during your marriage.

Meaning of sexual conflicts in marriage

When both or one of the partners in a relationship argues about their ability to experience sexual satisfaction, that is considered sexual conflict. Numerous factors, such as boredom, different sexual desires, problems with trust, a lack of respect, bad time management, etc., can cause sexual conflict or intimacy problems. Sexual intimacy problems develop when one or both couples are unhappy with their sexual lives. Because Intimacy issues might cause a couple to move apart, it can be readily resolved if the problems are identified earlier.

Causes of sexual intimacy challenges

  • One of the most frequent causes of intimacy issues is infrequent sex. As time goes on, the desire for sex diminishes, creating a vacuum.
  • Intimacy problems arise when one or both couples are unable to have orgasm.
  • A woman's inability to become turned on, or erectile dysfunction, is another factor that causes problems during intimate relationships.
  • Couples become separated as a result of a loss of desire and passion, which leads to sexual problems.
  • One partner's desire doesn't match the other's, which leads to issues in a relationship.
  • Sexual disputes can also be brought on by a couple's emotional distance.
  • Sexual conflicts can always arise in a relationship if a pair cannot explain their sexual desires to one another.
  • Rushing through the main dish might get monotonous over time, and skipping the foreplay can make the experience completely boring. Conflicts in closeness might easily result from it.
  • When a woman experiences orgasmic disorders, she is unable to experience an orgasm during sexual intercourse. One of the marital sexual issues that might cause a decrease in sexual desire is this one.
  • It is only natural for life to get busier as a couple has children. Several physiological changes occur as well as practical ones that could impair a sexual connection between the couple.
  • Couples may find it challenging to maintain a balance between their relationship and other aspects of their lives. Couples may have such problems, and all that is needed to restore order is a change in strategy.

Some strategies to deal with the challenges

  • Long working hours or feeling tired out can make someone too tired out to have sex with their partner. Lack of sleep or extreme stress might have a significant impact on your partner's willingness to engage in steaming hot sexual intercourse. Try to lessen your level of stress if you are the one who is too exhausted now to engage in sexual activity with your partner. Go to bed earlier and spend less time on your laptop and phone. Avoid interruptions and stick to your plan, especially when you are spending time with your partner. Consult a professional, change your diet, and talk to your partner.
  • Women are more sensitive to specific stimuli, which when delivered by their partner, can cause orgasm in them. For women, orgasm is not just about intercourse. You must comprehend how your wife's body reacts to having sex. Forcing your woman to the point of climax with foreplay, oral sex, or even the addition of toys can help you rekindle the passion in your sexual interactions with them.
  • Consult your doctor as the first step in preventing or treating sexual dysfunction. Attend routine exams and screenings for conditions. Regular exercise like Kegels which is a stress reduction technique, as well as advice from your doctor on how to manage your cholesterol and diabetes—are all recommended. Similarly, to manage your anxiety and other mental health issues, speak with a medical professional.
  • Bringing the heat back may indicate that you need to find alternative ways to be satisfied with your partner. You must attempt device-free quality time for this reason at least once or twice a week, communicating freely and being aware of each other's physical needs. Try scheduling sex over some time for both of you. This will improve your sexual life.
  • Keep track of the exact time your spouse shows a desire to have sex. If it's nighttime, begin mentally preparing for the situation that very night.
  • By being open and honest in your communication, let your partner know what you need. You can also speak with them or text them to let them know what you want.

Contribution: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist, life coach & mentor TalktoAngel & Dr Sakshi Kochhar Psychologist



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