Spoons Theory

Spoons Theory

December 15 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1948 Views

People with autism frequently describe feeling exhausted and burned out. Everyone has a limited amount of energy to devote to activities like jobs, family, socializing, cleaning, and hobbies, but autistic persons frequently have less energy to devote to these activities than neurotypical people. (It's also crucial to note that individuals with autism may have more energy for particular activities, especially if they have a niche or particular interests.) Autistic persons frequently find the "daily grind" to be the most taxing, especially if it has the potential to overwhelm the senses.

The "spoon hypothesis" of Christine Miserandino is frequently used to explain how it feels to have a finite quantity of energy and to have to make decisions to prevent (or at least minimize) burnout and exhaustion. She created this metaphor to describe her chronic disease, but the autistic community has since embraced it to describe the comparable energy restrictions that autistic individuals experience.

The foundation of the spoon hypothesis is the notion that, in contrast to others who may appear to have an infinite supply of spoons, those with chronic illnesses or other diseases (such as autism) begin their days with a limited number of "spoons." You'll use a spoon each time you perform an action. There aren't any additional spoons in the drawer that you may use to replace it once you've used it.

It's possible that certain things require more spoons than others, but you can figure out what requires more spoons. However, it's important to keep in mind that you only have a limited number of spoons at first.

The spoon theory, also known as the spoon metaphor, is a disability metaphor used to illustrate how a disability or chronic illness may restrict the amount of mental and physical energy available for activities of daily living and productive jobs.

The difference between being ill and being well is that the latter requires decision-making or conscious thought while the former does not. "Poor mental health individual may be procrastinating, or is in the comfort of deferring decisions, as a present that is unappreciated. They have endless options and energy to do anything they set their minds to”. In most cases, they are not required to think about the consequences of their acts.

Being in pain drains you, and if you have chronic pain, you could discover that you have to carefully control how much you do each day in order to account for and predict your pain levels. Your mental and physical capacity may be impacted by that pain and the practicalities of treating it.

The spoon hypothesis is a self-pacing technique that emphasizes the requirement for individuals with chronic pain to meet a certain quota. Patients must spread out the usage of their spoons in their daily activities sparingly.

Consider a mother who experiences chronic discomfort, for instance. If she utilizes all of her spoons on daytime duties, she won't have any spoons left for nighttime care of her kids. She pushes herself past her breaking point and borrows spoons from tomorrow's allotted number to get through today because she has to take care of her kids.

However, she will pay for it the next day when she has fewer spoons, to begin with for all of that day's activities and chores. Pain, exhaustion, and lethargy tomorrow are the results of today's overexertion.

People with chronic pain have limited stamina to carry out daily tasks without inducing pain flare-ups, in contrast to most people who have infinite energy to get up in the morning, do household duties, go to work, and maintain a social life.

When it comes to their level of everyday activity, people with chronic pain must balance under and over-exertion.

Avoiding activities out of concern that they would result in discomfort and weariness is under-exertion. When you over-exert yourself, it might result in a pain flare-up that limits your ability in the days that follow.

Most persons who suffer from chronic pain go through good and bad days since their pain tolerance varies from day to day. On a good day, they frequently overwork themselves, which is followed by several days of "crashing," during which they experience pain and weariness.

Patients must learn to find a healthy balance between their daily activity level and their daily activity limits in order to prevent these extremes.

Similarly, people on the Autism Spectrum who relate to the Spoons theory, need to learn coping strategies to better handle their exhaustion levels. Learning to prioritize and compartmentalize tasks can help you distribute your daily “Spoons” in a way that you don’t feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of it.

People with chronic illnesses, chronic pains and autism spectrum disorder can all benefit from psychotherapy and mindfulness to better understand their condition, and also to develop self-help interventions in order for healthy coping and lifestyle.

ADHD & Spoon Theory

Spoon Theory states that individuals start each day with a certain set of amount of energy — or a number of spoons — that daily tasks and activities deplete the energy, building a stack of habits or spoons helps to create more bandwidth.  To manage ADHD better spoon theory application is of great value.

How to Build Habits That Preserve Mental Energy?

1. Evaluating Your Present Habits

2. Take Baby Steps and Start Small with New Habits

3. Making Use of Habit Stacking

4. Tracking and Rewarding Your Successes

5. Using Reminders to Solidify Habits

6. Do Make an Assessment of Setbacks with New Habits

7. Be Patient and Learn from Failures or Mistakes

8. Seek Professional Mental health Help


If you believe you could benefit from professional assistance, speak with an Online Counsellor and the Top Psychologist in India of your choice about your difficulties, and failures. With just one click, you can connect with the Best Psychologists in India, counsellors, best Clinical Psychologists, and Online Psychiatrists at TalktoAngel India’s No 1 Online Counselling who can help you handle your mental health difficulties and take care of your mental health on your own.

Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Ms Aditi Bhardwaj


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