Ways Entrepreneurs Can Support Their Mental Health

Ways Entrepreneurs Can Support Their Mental Health

January 30 2023 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1433 Views

Building an enterprise is often quite challenging. You face constant pressure as an entrepreneur to perform, fulfill deadlines, and produce results. Additionally, it could harm your mental health if you are not careful.There are many peaks and troughs involved in coming up with an idea, releasing your product, and building your business over time.

You need to maintain a strong and stable mind, body, and spirit if you want to grow your business or enterprise over the long haul. But how exactly do you do that?

132 entrepreneurs were recently questioned about the most impactful mental health and wellness practices in their lives to learn more about the best strategies for maintaining mental wellness while growing a business. According to Dr (Prof) R K Suri, leading psychologist & life coach,“Entrepreneurs are prone to mental disorders. In their lifetime, one in four business owners will deal with a mental health problem”.

Read below to read their suggestions-

1. Take care of yourself

The finest thing an entrepreneur can do for their company is to develop a self-care routine. Stress is a common physical and mental reaction to a demanding or intimidating work or environment that, if not effectively controlled, can have serious repercussions.

Stress will affect your life, especially if you're an entrepreneur, so developing coping mechanisms is crucial. One of the most powerful tactics is self-care. When you make lifestyle choices like exercising, eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, doing yoga, or using relaxation techniques like meditation, you are engaging in self-care.

By lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels and triggering the body's relaxation response, these techniques help you manage stress. Self-care can take many different forms and is unique to each individual. Yoga and exercise are excellent for me. You can unwind and feel revitalised to get things going.

2. Discuss Your Challenges with Others

The one behaviour or routine that has shown to be the most beneficial, particularly with regard to stress in professional life, has been to do best to be open and honest about challenges with other business owners, executives, friends, and even staff.

This has been particularly true during the last three months.

This has given greater perspective, shows that you are not the only one experiencing those emotions, and strengthened sense of connection to the people. Additionally, it has given others the chance to express themselves more since realizing that being upfront about your own issues and emotions creates a safe space for others to do the same.

3. Establish a morning routine of gratitude

A GRATITUDE practice is the one thing you should do every day without failing to help with your mental health.

Once you are at ease, you can set a timer for two to three minutes, during which you’ll express gratitude for as many things in your life as you can, from big, material things like your car, which provides you with transportation to where you need to go, to smaller things like your memory foam mattress, which allows you to get a good night's sleep, to very basic necessities like a hot shower.

Thankfulness practice helps you remember how fortunate you are to have so many wonderful things in your surroundings, and as a result, you leave feeling much calmer and, in a lot, better frame of mind.

4. Engage in mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is the solution. You simply need ten minutes a day to practise living in the now and letting go of the past and the future. That will more than take care of your needs to center yourself and return to the present.

5. Take It Slow

Take a moment to breathe, slow down, and just think about things. As often as possible, do it in the morning, the evening, or at odd times throughout the day. Find a self-care routine that enables you to take things slowly and assess your condition. You'll be able to assess your progress and give yourself an opportunity to catch up on everything going on as a result of doing this.

6. Enjoy the ride

They say that living in the past is what causes guilt, and living in the present is what causes anxiety. The reality is, as an entrepreneur, you consistently have optimistic expectations for the future. It might seem as if you are waiting for the day when you can allow yourself to feel completed and successful, despite the fact that your arbitrary definition of success is constantly shifting, much like the definitions of success for most businesses.

Achievement is not a goal. Real success is being content with the path you choose for yourself. You can follow your motives and goals with much more reverence if you develop the habit of setting aside time each day to feel truly successful and accomplished, while yet having the satisfaction of knowing that life is unpredictable and you can manage whatever comes your way.

7. Using Therapy to Heal

It’s impossible to achieve success without good mental and physical self-care.Biweekly therapy sessions; no one should undervalue the efficacy of CBT or talk therapy

Even though it may seem absurd, you probably spend more time with your coworkers—especially your cofounders—than your own family. We encourage the sessions to all executives.

TalktoAngel No 1 Corporate Wellness Platform is here for your mental health care needs! best EAP service provider is always there with you, with  Best psychologists in India, Online Counsellors trained to take on your entrepreneurial stress with you.

Contributed By- Dr. (Prof) R.K Suri, organizational psychologist &life coachMs. Varshini Nayyar


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