Why People Do Self-Injure Act

Why People Do Self-Injure Act

November 19 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1766 Views

Self-injury is one of the most difficult behaviors connected with mental illness for people to comprehend. Self-injury occurs when someone cuts, burns, or injures themselves in some other way.   

Most frequently, self-harm is defined as a means of expressing or coping with mental discomfort. The self-injurious behaviour should not be taken lightly as it is one of the signs of depression, anxiety, stress, phobia and anger and need immediate treatment by mental health experts, like Top Psychologist in India, and best Online Counselor.

Because self-injurious behaviors are frequently gory and horrific, it is more difficult for people to consider the implications of these behaviors. When you notice a loved one bleeding from self-inflicted wounds or covered in scars, it can make you feel anxious. Such anxiety impairs thinking and makes it more difficult for people to comprehend the reasons behind self-harm.

The fact that self-injury appears to be a suicide attempt even though it typically isn't further complicates the situation. When the self-injurer is being honest and denies intending to kill themselves, an act of self-injury that may make sense if viewed as a suicide attempt becomes even harder to understand.

So why do individuals harm themselves? Why do they hurt themselves? What are they attempting to achieve? The six motivations listed below appear to encompass the majority of the typical narratives used by people who self-injure. However, you can also talk with best Online Counsellor for Online Counselling to deal with your issues in more effective manner.

1. To shift attention and regain control

Some people intentionally hurt themselves to feel a subjective sense of control over their erratic emotions and ideas. By directing their attention away from something uncomfortable and toward something less troubling, they can seize this control. Self-inflicted physical pain is an extremely powerful and potent feeling that results from cutting or burning oneself

Self-injurers occasionally use this agony to block out the distressing mental chatter that constantly surrounds them. For instance, individuals can be experiencing PTSD symptoms and repeatedly rehearsing the rape in their minds since they were traumatized by the event.

They can redirect their attention on the cut's discomfort and temporarily seek relief from the rape trauma by cutting themselves.

 2. In order to release tension

The idea that people self-injure as a way of letting off steam is a twist on the theme of regaining control. Sometimes a person's chaotic internal experience includes feelings and ideas that accumulate into a state of subjective tension or arousal that prompts people to act in order to lessen that tension or arousal. It appears that self-inflicted injuries like cutting or burning can act as a way to relieve tension.

Here is an example to provide some context. There is a story about a young person who had suicidal thoughts that drove her to feel compelled to take her own life.

She slashed herself to get rid of this need, which briefly diverted her attention from her suicide thoughts.


3. To Overcome Numbness

Dissociation is a coping mechanism used by traumatized people occasionally. In the mental and emotional condition of dissociation, the normally cohesive experience of awareness is divided into separate sections.

As a result, someone who dissociates might not recall something traumatic that occurred to them because, via the process of dissociation, they were able to store that experience in a part of their mind that the rest of themselves is unable to access.

Additionally, emotions may become separated from the circumstances that triggered them, as is the case with depersonalization disorder. As a result, a painful emotion connected to a traumatic memory may be severed from that recollection, causing the traumatized person to recall the incident as though it had occurred in a movie or as though they were simply watching it unfold while numb to the experience.

The idea that feeling pain is uncomfortable is one that we are all familiar with. People might not realize it, but being emotionless can sometimes be unpleasant.

People with dissociative disorders who are mostly emotionally numb are frequently in considerable discomfort. Some of them will cause themselves harm in an effort to produce a potent sensation that will allow them to feel something once more.


4. To Communicate, Express, or Record Pain

Self-harmers occasionally struggle to express their inner feelings through language. This can be as a result of their poor verbal skills.

It can be because they were never taught (for whatever reasons) how to express emotion through language. Words may be inadequate for them because of the overwhelming nature of what they are experiencing in their heads as a result of trauma or abuse. Words are inadequate to express the extent of internal reactions, particularly in the case of acute trauma and abuse.

When words are either unavailable or unable to adequately communicate an emotional experience, the only option left to a person attempting to cope with that encounter is to physically express it. "Acting out" refers to the process of physically expressing one's inner experience.

Inflicting injuries on oneself with the purpose of using the physical wounds as a communication tool is one fairly impulsive and violent kind of acting out.

The theory holds that there is a rough correlation between external, easily visible bodily wounds caused by oneself and deep, invisible emotional scars.


5. To Punish Self

Some persons who self-harm do so to exact revenge on themselves. People who injure themselves intentionally to punish themselves frequently have histories of severe abuse.

For some people, one of the long-term impacts of abuse is that the voice or perspective of the abuser becomes ingrained in the victims' psyche in such a way that the victim begins to see themselves in the same light as the original abuser did and is therefore motivated to punish themselves. This abuse implantation procedure is not supernatural in any way. Each partner in a relationship creates a mental image of the other and utilizes this image to predict what the other will do.

When an abuser and victim have a relationship, the victim creates a model of the abuser. Since of the abuser's remarks, such as "because you're stupid, you're useless, and you're a failure," the abuse is justified. Soon enough, even without the abuser saying them, the victim starts to hear those words in her thoughts. When the abuser is no longer present, they begin attacking themselves.

There is proof that those who have previously self-harmed are more likely to have suicidal thoughts or actually commit suicide.

But not everyone who destroys themselves intends to terminate their lives. Self-harm is sometimes referred to as a means of coping with or responding to extreme emotional anguish, according to some persons.

Treatment from the Top psychologist in India will help you address the underlying cause of your distress in a less destructive and healthier way. Finding the appropriate medical assistance is not difficult. If you are searching for the “best psychiatrist near me” connect with the top Online Psychiatrist at TalktoAngel.  



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