1. On account of the time I spend online, I am not as productive or attentive in my work or school work than I normally would be
2. Friends and family often have complained about the amount of time I spend using my smartphone, tablet, or laptop
3. I often check my social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc), texts, or emails first, before I start to work or do school work
4. I don't like people bothering me when I'm using my smartphone, laptop, or tablet
5. I enjoy interacting online more than I do with my romantic partner
6. I intend to escape from my real life for what I can find and do online
7. I feel that the quality of my work or school work has suffered due to the amount of time I spend online
8. I often stay awake late at night than I had intended due to doing things online
9. I put off doing something else by spending more time than I had intended online
10. I'd rather spend time online than doing things around the house
11. I'd rather stay home gaming, doing social media, or otherwise spending time online than go out with my friends
12. I am anxious when I am separated from my smartphone, tablet, or laptop for any extended period of time
13. I've tried to cut back on my smartphone, tablet, or laptop use not related to work or school work without success
14. My life would be a lot less interesting and happy without access to the Internet
15. When asked what I do online, I prefer not to say
16. When at work, home, or school and my smartphone is off or out of reach, I spend a lot of time thinking about what I m missing?
17. When I use my smartphone, laptop, or tablet, I spend more time with it than I had intended
18. When I'm not checking my smartphone, I fear missing out with what's going on, which often makes me unhappy
19. I often find myself anticipating when will I go online again.
20. I often try to hide how long i have been online