1. My child has a limited/reduced vocabulary (limited word knowledge and use)
2. My child has a limited/reduced vocabulary (limited word knowledge and use)
3. My child is unable to use appropriate greetings? (e.g. "hello", "goodbye")
4. My child says only one syllable in a word ("bay" instead of baby)
5. My child is doing repetition of syllables or sounds
6. My child is unable to use vocabulary and connect sentences to explain or describe a topic or series of events or have a conversation
7. My child lacks spontaneity, originality, and/or variety in verbal interactions(e.g. repeats words, phrases excessively)
8. My child simplifies a word by saying Two syllables only( e.g., "baba" instead of bottle)
9. My child keeps pausing between words (broken words)
10. My child is unable to put words and word endings together to form sentences based on the rules of Grammar
11. My child is unable to participate in conversational turn taking?
12. My child leaves out a consonant sound( e.g., "at" or "ba" instead of bat)
13. My child does whole word repetitions (e.g., "I-I-I-I-I see him")
14. My child's language capacity is significantly below what is expected at his or her age.
15. My child has difficulty in recognizing and using multiple meaning words (e.g., "the fly is on the wall" and " I will fly home")
16. My child changes certain consonant sounds (e.g., "tat" instead of "cat")
17. My child substitutes words to avoid problematic words