Online Teen Counselling offers support to
young adolescents and their parents.

The most Safe, Secure, Private and Affordable
Online Counselling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teen Counselling or Adolescence Counselling is for any youngster in the range of 12 and 17 years of age who's having issues that are making them feel stressed/worried/anxious and losing focus and concentration. As a teenager, you may not feel very well about yourself, facing issues with school, parents, guardians, siblings, or family, or feel like you have a psychological & emotional concern like nervousness or a low state of mood or sometimes feel highly spirited. The best Online Therapy for Teenagers can help in managing such issues that often surface for youngsters during these troublesome years. 

The best online teenage counselling platform follows a 'family-based model' which implies that it likewise offers parental help to the critical grown-ups in life so that they can uphold you through your troublesome times. TalktoAngel can help in having an online adolescence counselling session with teenage clients and/or their parents/guardians together to help them with issues that youngsters often face.

Every adolescent takes consultation with the best online teen counsellors alone or the same or other counselor provides online counselling to them with their parents. The best online counsellor in India working as a Teenage counsellor, try to understand problem and address solution with the youngster along with or with the youngster's parents/guardians. While in online counselling session for teenagers, adolescent doesn't get to hear what their parents/guardians discuss in their online therapy session, and parents/guardians don't get to catch the wind of what their child is talking about during counselling session, except if there is a certain emotional and physical wellbeing concern. At times parents/guardians and teens meet up to assess the online counselling progress and to further develop correspondence and understanding. 

Teenager Online Counsellor specialize in helping adolescents or their parents. The issues typically addressed by them in adolescence counselling sessions include:

  • Teenage Stress
  • Adolescent Anxiety
  • Low self-esteem & Confidence
  • Adolescent Relationship issues
  • Parenting Issue
  • Adolescent Depression
  • Risky behavior (reckless sex, alcohol, and drug abuse)
  • Sleep issues
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Emotional regulations
  • Adolescent Anger
  • Bullying
  • LGBTQIA+ identity topics
  • Grief & Loss
  • School or college problem

You might benefit from some intervention by a steady and non-critical, non-judgmental online counsellor. You can expect that your voice will be heard and regarded. You will cooperate with your advisor to resolve the issues that cause you stress or concern during your teenage years.

You can be referred by your parents, guardian, teacher or educator, social worker, psychiatrist, or any medical expert. You may also opt for adolescence counselling by yourself provided that you have consent and written permission to consult an online counsellor for your mental health concerns. During your online counselling session, what you say is secret, except if your online therapist is worried about your physical and emotional security or that of another kid or youngster.

The majority of our teenage clients utilize their online therapy sessions to deal with their desired problems at a pace that suits them. Most clients can see a reduction in the troubles & worries that carried them to Teenage  Counselling or Therapy. Some say that they have more positive vibes more joyful in themselves, are getting on better with loved ones, and are overseeing school or college in an appropriate manner.

Our teenage clients often let us know that they feel improved after they see their online counsellor and are better ready to manage their concerns by themselves.

Every adolescent is unique; thus, the length of treatment will vary. Some adolescents may only need a few sessions to work through an adjustment issue, whereas others may need therapy for longer periods of time, normally it is recommended to have a package of 6+2 online counselling sessions. 

We often hear from parents & guardians who are sure that there is something that is troubling their teenager, and as a parent, they are desperate for their teen to seek online counselling, however, find that their teen doesn’t wish for consultation. The most common reason adolescents don’t want to attend counselling is privacy issues – particularly if they’re grappling with issues and behaviors that they don’t feel comfortable discussing with other family members. In such a situation, a psychologist or an online counsellor will work with the parents to help them better understand their teen and the challenges that they are facing. A family therapist or an online counsellor who works with adolescents will also provide advice on how to best support their teen through this time. It is found that many teens will begin to engage once their privacy issues are resolved and good rapport is built with them as they see the benefits of online counselling.

  • A top psychologist in India will talk to both you and your teenager to have clarity, triggers for issues understand the situation.
  • Clarify emotional and well-being barriers, and address them
  • Establish evidence-based achievable outcomes or goals that both you and your teenager are motivated to achieve (for example better healthy communication, more peace at home, and being able to go out with friends & parents.)
  • Help you and your teenager define shared values, and goals, understand what needs to be done for everyone in the family, and have their needs met as agreed upon
  • Coordinate online counselling sessions only for your teenager, only yourself or your spouse, and joint sessions to review progress.
  • Making recommendations for providing support to your teenager
  • Reviewing the plan, and maintaining the improvements achieved.
