What is Adolescent Love?
- Temptations for instant gratification ;
- Hormonal changes ;
- Sexual urges ;
- Peer pressure ;
- Influence of romantic movies ;
- Desire to be in a relationship ;
- Approval from others.
Signs & Symptoms
Academic Issue
Mobile Addiction
Self Doubt
Self Image Issue
Trust Issue
Self - Care Tips
Be expressive about how you feel
Engage in your hobbies and interest
Set healthy boundaries and value your needs
Get yourself a routine
Be expressive about how you feel
Communicate honestly
Avoid making impulsive decision
Take things slowly
Best Therapists In India
Frequently Asked Questions
you want to support or want to speak with someone about your mental health, your
emotions, or a relationship issue, online counselling may be very helpful. An online counsellor is a specialist who will attentively hear about your
relationship problems and assist you with breakups, trust issues, falling out
of love, dating, and love addiction. He or she will be someone who will not
take sides, and will not become agitated or enraged by what you want to say. Online counselling
by the clinical psychologist can be
of great help in resolving love issues.
Here's how to accept, comprehend, and interact
with your child who is in “love”. Accept their feelings and emotional
relationships rather than denying them. Recognize their level of affection.
Discuss infatuation, romance, and sexual desire with your kid. Prepare them to
deal with a variety of unpredictable circumstances. Recognize your own views
and appreciate others as well. For more assistance, seek online counselling from a top
psychologist in India for your child’s love issues.