
What is Bullying?

Bullying is a pattern of behaviour intended to cause pain or hurt to someone, either through physical means or hurtful words or behaviour and display a real or imagined domination and power on someone. Making threats, teasing, taunting, physically or verbally assaulting someone, purposefully name-calling, disrespecting someone identity or removing from a group, are all examples of bullying behaviour. When harassment, spreading rumours, threats, demeaning, making fun of appearance or any other types of intimidation happens over phone or laptop done via emails, messages, chatting apps, or any other social media platform, it is known as Cyberbullying or online bullying.



  • Asocial behaviour ;
  • Need to control other ;
  • Poor parenting ;
  • Insensitive to feeling of other ;
  • Overly pampered ;
  • Problem at home or family ;
  • Attention seeking behaviour ;
  • Want to feel powerful ;
  • Show domination.

Signs & Symptoms

Academic Issue

Academic Issue









Helpnessness & Hopelessness

Helpnessness & Hopelessness

Physical Injury

Physical Injury



Self Doubt

Self Doubt

Sleep Disturbance

Sleep Disturbance

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Social Isolation

Social Isolation

Self - Care Tips

Learn to say "No"

Learn to say "No"

Be Assertive and Express your emotion

Be Assertive and Express your emotion

Keep doing what you are good at

Keep doing what you are good at

Choose your group based on mutual trust and respect

Choose your group based on mutual trust and respect

Pursue your passion

Pursue your passion

Restrain from comparing yourself with others

Restrain from comparing yourself with others

Make people hear how you feel

Make people hear how you feel

Adopt Relaxation technique like breathing and yoga

Adopt Relaxation technique like breathing and yoga

Frequently Asked Questions

To understand this aspect people should be clear about various types of bullying:

Physical bullying is the type of bullying that is most noticeable. Kids engage in it when they use force to dominate and control their targets.

Verbal bullies utilize remarks, words, and slurs to gain the upper hand and exert control over their victims. Typically, verbal bullies will insult someone nonstop in order to degrade, demean, and wound them.

Relational aggression, also known as emotional bullying or social bullying, is a form of social manipulation in which tweens and teens attempt to harm their classmates or undermine their social position. 

Cyberbullying is when a teen utilizes the Internet, a smartphone, or other technology to annoy, threaten, or target another person.

If you identify yourself with any kind of bullying mentioned above, it may be detrimental to your mental health. Try to reach out to the best psychologist in India and access the best online counselling for bullying.

Bullying can cause difficult emotions including fury, shame, worry, and isolation. Bullying victims might benefit from online therapy by learning to recognize, express, and deal with their difficult emotions, which if ignored can have a detrimental effect on their own well-being. Bullying victims who internalize the victim mentality may experience difficulties in their relationships and sense of self. Talk to a top psychologist in India for more assistance and guidance.

A qualified & certified online counsellor may assist a person in comprehending how this victim's role affects their life and in learning coping mechanisms for the future, such as assertive communication and boundary-setting. Support groups or group therapy, where those who have gone through comparable forms of victimization may help one another heal, can be helpful to certain bullied victims. Best clinical psychologists at India’s best online mental health & emotional well-being platform in overcoming bullying using cognitive behavior therapy and other therapies.
