Gottman Therapy

An evidence-based therapy called Gottman Therapy is designed to assist couples in fortifying their bonds. According to the theory underlying the therapy, there are two types of relationship disputes. They either have a solution or they never do. The partnership will always have ongoing difficulties. They result from underlying personality or lifestyle needs disparities. The notion holds that rather than eradicating or avoiding these ongoing, unresolvable problems, couples should learn to manage them. The therapist aids the couple in acquiring the knowledge and abilities necessary for this. John Gottman, a physician and researcher, created the Gottman therapy, which is based on his studies.

Gottman Therapy


Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, a psychology couple, developed the Gottman Method. Drs. Gottman has combined clinical expertise with 40 years of psychology research knowledge to develop their relationship therapy approach. John Gottman's professional focus has been on marital stability and divorce prediction. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, where he conducts relationship research in the "Love Lab."
The Gottman Institute was founded by the Gottmans to support and educate mental health professionals who work with couples as well as to help couples with their relationships.The goal of the institute is to enhance and fortify marriages, families, and relationships by implementing psychology research in the therapeutic setting.

Focus theme / core-concept

The cornerstone of a strong and fulfilling relationship is represented by the sound relationship house, a metaphorical model. Trust, dedication, companionship, emotional connection, conflict management, shared objectives, and shared meaning are some of its nine essential elements. Partners' attempts to connect, get noticed, or have an emotional conversation are known as emotional bids. Rejecting or ignoring these solicitations can lead to distance and conflict, whereas favorably responding to them deepens the emotional bond between partners.


1. Gottman Therapy will help in enhancing interaction

2. Gottman Therapy will help in better handling of disputes

3. Gottman Therapy will help in enhancing emotional bonding

4. Gottman Therapy will help in increasing pleasure and closeness during intercourse

5. Gottman Therapy will help in increasing contentment in relationships


1. Developing communication skills: Improve communication patterns and encourage appropriate means of communicating wants, worries, and emotions within the partnership to improve communication.

2. Fostering understanding and emotional support: Increased emotional intimacy and friendship between partners as a result of establishing a feeling of closeness and connection.

3. Acquiring effective conflict resolution skills: Manage conflict efficiently by educating partners on healthy methods to handle arguments, find solutions, and steer clear of negative communication patterns.

4. Encourage shared meaning: by assisting couples in establishing mutually agreeable objectives, principles, and a sense of direction for their union.

5. Developing interpersonal skills: The goal of group therapy is to strengthen relationships and interpersonal abilities. In a group setting, participants can hone their skills in empathy, active listening, conflict resolution, and effective communication, which improves relationships outside of therapy.


1. Build love maps: This floor of the Sound Relationship House involves couples getting to know one another's inner psychological worlds,
2. Share fondness and admiration: On this floor, couples learn to openly express their admiration and respect for one another to deepen their relationship.
3. Turn towards, not away: On this floor, couples learn to recognize when their partner is in need of attention, affection, and comfort and respond appropriately.
4. The positive viewpoint: By teaching partners to view each other positively, this floor enables them to recognize that mistakes are the result of circumstances rather than personal failings.
Couples learn how to manage conflict on this floor using a three-step procedure. Partners first consider each other's feelings. Partners then learn to talk about their issues. Finally, partners learn self-soothing strategies to maintain composure when they begin to feel overpowered during a disagreement.
5. Realize your life's ambitions: The focus of the next-to-last floor is encouraging and supporting one's partner in achieving their objectives and goals.
6. Establish shared meaning: The top floor is similar to the first floor in that it requires comprehending an inner world, except that this time it is the inner world of the couple, and it comprises learning the rituals and tales that have special significance for them both,
7. Confidence and dedication: The Sound Relationship House has two weight-bearing walls that aid couples in navigating the seven stories. Couples who are committed to one another have vowed to stick together and work to strengthen their relationship. Trust enables couples to feel like a team and that they can rely on one another.

The Gottman-Rapoport Intervention

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Sound Relationship House

The Love Map
