How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction Amongst Females?
How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction Amongst Females?
December 16 2022 TalktoAngel 0 comments 1200 Views
Life can be challenging at times. Situations in
ordinary life can cause grief &
loss, wrath, fear, anxiety, and excitement. Many people who find themselves in stressful situations seek solace in alcohol. The problem is that alcohol can upset the behavioral and physiological balance. Women
who consume too much alcohol may have general life pressures such as marital problems
or daily life problems. Women are more likely than men to develop an alcohol consumption disorder during their lifetime. Between 2001
and 2012, there was a sixteen percent increase in the prevalence of women who
drink alcohol, a 58% increase in women’s high-risk drinking compared to a
sixteen percent increase in men and an 84% increase in women’s one-year
prevalence of an alcohol use disorder compared to thirty-five percent increases
in men. We know that women initiate their use of alcohol at lower ages compared
to those born in severe generations.
- Advance earlier from
their initial regular use
- first treatment
- using lower quantities
- a shorter period of time
- Average a lot
of medical, psychiatrically, and
social consequences
Understanding Women's Drinking Habits: Women drink for many of the same reasons that
men do: to unwind, acquire confidence in social situations, sleep, and reduce stress. Other reasons why women may consume alcohol include:
women are more inclined to drink if they are having difficulties with a loved
one and women who are unmarried, divorced, or separated are more likely to have
alcohol issues. Women who have alcoholic husbands are more inclined to drink themselves. Women who
have experienced sexual abuse are more likely to drink excessively. Women are
more likely to explain their frequent drinking to issues that attract sympathy
rather than judgment. After a hectic day, many women begin to have just one
drink. However, if stress is present every day, this tendency might
become troublesome. If you find yourself drinking or using drugs to relax,
recommend that you locate for treatment in the clinic. You can acquire healthy stress management strategies
while also breaking free from a life of substance misuse. To learn more about drinking habits among females, seek Online Counselling at TalktoAngel.
Alcohol has a larger effect on women than on
men, and studies show that women who consume too much alcohol are more likely
to have major alcohol issues than males. Furthermore, women with alcohol
problems had double the suicide, accident, and other health-related death rates
as men.
Women's Alcohol Risks
(1) Cancer- Studies indicate that women who drink excessive alcohol may be
more likely to get breast cancer and head and neck cancer, than those who don’t
drink alcohol.
(2) Damage to the brain - Alcohol destroys brain cells, and women are
more vulnerable to this effect than men.
(3) Pregnancy - Drinking can impair a woman's ability to
conceive. Furthermore, alcohol usage during pregnancy might have substantial
negative effects on the unborn child. Throughout maternity,
no quantity of alcohol is safe.
(4) Abuse and maltreatment - Women who abuse alcohol are more likely to become victims of sexual assault or
other forms of violence.
(5) Personal harm and depression - Alcohol intake in
women, particularly elderly women, can contribute to anxiety, sleeping issues, heart failure, falls, and poor nutrition.
There is no safe level of alcohol during
pregnancy; it can have harmful repercussions for the pregnancy, and infants
born to mothers who were exposed to alcohol during fetal development are at a
higher risk of developing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. There are numerous
mental health hazards associated with alcohol usage, including low amounts of
alcohol consumption, for both men and women. On a daily basis, these problems
include liver sickness, several types of cancer, and oral cancer. Alcohol could
be a depressant and it will have an effect on sleep once folks withdraw from
alcohol will produce anxiety-connected symptoms; women are double as probably
to possess depression, double as probably to possess anxiety, three times as
likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder, and anywhere from
three times as likely to have an eating disorder. Also having any of these
mental health disorders can also pose a risk for developing an alcohol use
disorder at some time in your life. We have seen an increase in alcohol
consumption during the covid19 pandemic. We have seen rising rates of alcohol
You need to seek online consultation with a clinical
psychologist near me, to understand the causes of
alcohol addiction; it will be depression which is the real cause.
How to cope with Stress while not mistreatment by Alcohol?
In the long run, using alcohol to ease stress
does not work. There are considerably more effective methods - try these
stress-reduction strategies without alcohol:
Try some physical activity - Changing your surroundings and going for a brisk
walk or participating in your favorite sport will help you cleanse your mind of
the day's troubles. Physical activity of any kind will facilitate.
Test your assumptions - The way you think influences how you
Methods of relaxation- When you are worried or anxious, you can
benefit from meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises.
Allow yourself some optimism- It might be as simple as making time for
oneself to do something enjoyable.
Feel free to seek consultation from the Online
Counsellor at TalktoAngel, Asia’s No.1 Mental
Health and Alcohol Counselling Platform, for
more information on drinking habits among females.
Contributed by: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Ms. Swati Yadav
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