1. Does your child react when approached by strangers or unfamiliar people?
2. Does your child seek attention from unfamiliar individuals?
3. Does your child readily share personal information or disclose private details to strangers?
4. Is your child comfortable initiating conversations with unfamiliar people, even without prompting?
5. Does your child express emotions in the presence of unfamiliar individuals?
6. Is your child comfortable being alone with unfamiliar individuals, even in the absence of primary caregivers?
7. Does your child respond to potentially fearful situations involving unfamiliar individuals?
8. Does your child cope with stress or new situations involving unfamiliar people?
9. Does your child form attachments to unfamiliar individuals easily, without discrimination?
10. Does your child trust their primary caregivers even in unfamiliar social settings?
11. Does your child interact with peers and unfamiliar children?
12. Does your child remain calm even when he/she is separated from caregivers or familiar people in unfamiliar social settings?
13. Has your child received good quality of early caregiving?
14. Has your child experienced stability in caregivers or caregivers' roles?
15. There were no traumatic events or disruptions in your child early life? (Traumatic events: Physical/Sexual Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Divorce, Death of a Parent etc.)
16. Did your child achieve all developmental milestones on time for their age? (e.g. Taking their first step, smiling for the first time, waving "bye-bye.", playing, learning, speaking, imitating and moving. )